We may now call attention to a similar course of development which perhaps is shaping itself before our very eyes. It is not entirely improbable that in the course of time a judicial power and a system of administering law may grow up, to which the disputes between States may be subject in the same sense in which to-day contentions between private persons are subject to the judicial power of the States. The rules of law according to which such an administration of justice would be carried on could not possibly, at first, be anything but a lawyers' law derived from the nature of the State and the existing customs of international legal relations. Zitel-mann, in his "Private International Law," shows what a multitude of rules that might also serve to decide public international disputes could be derived simply from the principles of local and personal jurisdiction. Surely this process, which is easily conceivable by a modern lawyer, represents very clearly what has already occurred once before, when judicial remedies were substituted for self-administered justice. These judicial remedies were based upon a system of lawyers' law derived from the nature of the disputes submitted to the courts and from the existing customs of human intercourse. If, accordingly, someone were to assert that the various States owed their origin or continued existence to the protection they received from this species of lawyers' law as administered in the international courts, he would be about as near to the truth as those who, at the present time, assume that the law of property, family, contract, or succession is in some manner founded on the protection given to it by the State by means of the rules of decision established by it.