This section is from the book "Clothing And Health. An Elementary Textbook Of Home Making", by Helen Kinne. Also available from Amazon: Clothing And Health.
The new problem of corset cover is not difficult, if one has learned all the preceding lessons. Let us study how to trim this garment or the waist of a slip.
Some of the girls of Pleasant Valley will make combinations of corset cover and skirt, and others the corset cover (Fig. 62). They decide to use nainsook and to trim them with German Valenciennes lace. About 1 1/2 yards of cloth are necessary. They have sent for a simple pattern and will make them partly by hand.
Miss James gave them the following directions:
1. To cut. Place pattern economically. Pin and cut.
2. Baste. Pin and baste under-arm seams and shoulders. Sew French seams by machine.
3. Make front laps. On left side make hem £ inch wide turned to wrong side. On right front make hem turned to right side 3/4 inch wide. Stitch this 1/8 inch from each edge to form front lap. It could be run by hand if all handmade or featherstitched with tiny stitches. This lap is for the buttonholes, which are made vertically, three or four in the lap. If it is desired to conceal the buttons, make an extra strip for buttonholes and stitch under the right front lap with the stitching of hem.
4. Finish bottom. Even the bottom, and make as a finish a narrow hem 1/4 inch wide.
5. Gather at waist line. In center fronts and in middle of center back, gather at the waist line to fit figure. Baste on inside of waist over these adjusted gathers a straight band 1/4 inch wide, with edges turned. Baste and stitch this top and bottom to hold gathers. Waist line can, also, be finished, if desired, on right side with beading or with a band.
Fig. 62. - A simple corset cover.
6. To finish top of cover and sleeves. Make the same finish as for kimono night dress. This is neat and attractive. The top of the corset cover can be gathered to fit the figure, or tiny hand or machine tucks of 1/8 inch in width may be run about three inches deep each side of the front laps, five or six tiny ones being made on each side, according to the amount of fullness to be taken in. The top can be finished with a Hamburg beading for ribbon, sewed on with a French seam ; and then lace may be overhanded on the edge of it. The finish of the sleeves should correspond to the neck finish.
Calculate how much beading and lace or lace alone will be necessary to trim a corset cover. Draw sketch of how it is to be decorated.
I. Practice sewing on the machine at home. Learn to turn good square corners and to stitch straight.
II. Plan to make a slip or some extra garment at home, using the principles and knowledge gained at school, in sewing seams, trimming and making.
III. In what ways are you planning to protect your body at night? How do you ventilate your room? How air your clothes?
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