This section is from the book "Clothing And Health. An Elementary Textbook Of Home Making", by Helen Kinne. Also available from Amazon: Clothing And Health.
Two more useful gifts : a workbag of silk, and a sewing apron. Which will you chose to make ?
The workbag. Barbara Oakes has a very complete little workbag (Fig. 74) which grandmother made for her last Christmas. The girls think they would like to copy it.
Fig. 74. - A, a very useful bag. B, the sewing apron.
It is made of a piece of yellow flowered ribbon which was 8 inches wide; 1/2 a yard is enough. If you have scraps of silk, use a strip 8 inches wide X 14 inches long. With the other 4 inches, if ribbon is used, the circular disks for the bottom are to be covered. To make :
1. Cut two circles of cardboard 3 inches in diameter. Cut the silk for covering four inches in diameter. Cover in the same way as you covered the pin disk. This is the bottom of the bag.
2. Seam the two ends of the 14 inch strip together with two runs and backstitch (see page 35). Open seams flat. Turn along one long edge, 1/2 inch if selvedge of ribbon ; if silk, make two turns: first 1/8 inch, second 1/2 inch. Baste and hold with featherstitch (see page 126), or cross-stitch (see page 145) At seam of bag open seam carefully 1/2 inch on the right side for casing hole for ribbon. At the opposite side, work a small buttonhole (see page 43) 3/8 inch in length. This will be the top of the bag; and the two ribbons are to be run through the casing so it will draw up.
3. At the other edge of the long strip, fold to the wrong side: first 2 inches of the strip, and then the 2 inches folded over itself. Baste carefully. This fold is to form pockets on the inside of the bag. Every two inches along length of strip, mark with a pin; and on the right side of bag, featherstitch or cross-stitch in rows two inches deep, to form pockets on the inside of the strip.
4. Gather the edge of the strip to be sewed to the covered disks. Divide gathers in half. Pin to disk. Overhand to disk with close stitches on the inside of bag.
This workbag makes a very useful gift. It can be filled with a pair of small scissors, emery, needles, and spools of silk placed in the pockets. The ribbon for drawing top is in two pieces, 1/2 yard in each. Start one piece from one side and run around casing until it comes out at the same place it started. Tie in bow. Start other ribbon at opposite side, and run it all around casing, until it returns to the same side it started from. Tie in bow.
The sewing apron. - Another useful gift is a small sewing apron (Fig. 74). It can be made of silk or of dimity at 12 1/2 cents a yard, and need not then cost more than 15 cents. Dimity is one yard wide; and 7/8 of a yard is enough. To make:
1. From one selvedge cut a strip 2 1/2 inches wide, lengthwise of the piece. This is for the band and is cut off before the apron is made. Remove other selvedge.
2. Turn 3/8 inch hem to right side of apron at the lengthwise edges of cloth ; baste carefully.
3. At one cross wise end turn, hem if inches wide to right side. Baste and hem with featherstitching on the reverse or wrong side.
Fig. 75. - Four useful aprons.
4. Turn up at bottom 8 inches to form pocket, so featherstitching will be on the upper or right side. Baste and overhand edges the depth of pocket.
5. Featherstitch side hems, catching the pocket to hold securely.
6. Divide large pocket in three by making two rows of featherstitching like picture.
7. Put on band. Divide gathered top of apron. Divide band. Allow band to extend each side of gathers. A space of 12 inches in center of band is enough to contain the gathers. Put on as you put on the band of petticoat, but overhand edges of the band extending beyond gathers.
8. A buttonhole and button can be used to finish, or ribbon may be sewed to ends of band. This makes a very useful gift.
Fig. 76. - Two cases on which the featherstitch can be used. A, needle case and bag. B, linen traveling case for overshoes.
Look at the sketches (Fig. 75) of other aprons: A is made from a square of figured lawn; 1/2 yard is enough. It is shaped at one corner for a bib. A hem is turned at the edge and featherstitched. A few small tucks make it fit the waist, and ribbon trims it.
B is made from 2/3 of a yard of lawn, as shown in the diagram. Place pattern economically.
C is made of a width of lawn or silk with a hem at the bottom and casing at the top.
D is made of glass toweling trimmed with finishing braid and featherstitching.
Figure 76 shows some useful cases with decorations of featherstitch.
1. Plan a gift and surprise mother at her birthday anniversary. Your teacher will help you.
2. See if you can plan an original gift. Draw a sketch of it.
3. Bring all the suggestions for gifts you can find in clippings from old magazines.
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