Working The Scallops And The Design

Work the scallops with blanket stitch (Chap. II, Par. 128), placing the stitches close together. If the edge of the material is not cut away until after the bib is laundered the edge will not fray.

Lay out and work the design with the outline etching stitch (Chap. II, Par. 125), using the same kind of thread used in making the scallops.

Review Questions And Problems

1. How would you straighten the edge of a piece of cloth?

2. How would you make a line on a piece of cloth in order to cut it perfectly straight? Why could you not use a ruler and lead pencil and rule a straight line as you would on a piece of paper?

3. What sort of material is most suitable for the leaves of a needlebook? Explain why.

4. What is the most common use of the basting stitch? For what other purpose have you seen it used?

5. For what purpose is the blanket stitch used? Has it any other use?

6. What is a hem, and why is the exposed edge of a piece of material usually hemmed?

7. Why do we baste a hem before hemming it down?

8. Explain how to sew on a loop. Name some home projects in which you would use a loop of tape.

9. Why is a handkerchief case particularly serviceable? Give at least three reasons why such a case is practicable.

10. How is the running stitch made?

11. Name two or three useful home projects in which the running stitch would be used. Explain.

12. How is overhanding done? In what projects have you used this process?

13. What are some of the most important things to think about in designing a sewing apron?

14. What is the purpose of cross-stitching? Name three or four home projects upon which this stitch could appropriately be used.

15. How many ways have you learned for working an initial? Which do you like best? Explain why.

16. What is the purpose of a draw string? What preparation is necessary where a draw string is to be used?

17. Name three or four home projects in which a draw string is used.

18. What is an outline etching stitch? How is it made?

19. Name all the stitches which you have used thus far for decoration.

20. What things have you learned from this section that you can use on your own clothing?

Suggestions For Home Application

1. When needles are removed from the paper at home, notice where your mother keeps them. Perhaps they are kept in a pin cushion. Make a pin cushion out of some art canvas or other loosely woven material using stitches to decorate the top, similar to those used on the bookmark, or napkin ring shown in this section.

2. Observe the hand towels at home. How are they made? Why are most of them longer than the towel given in lesson two? What advantages can you see in hemming kitchen towels on the sewing machine? Talk to your mother about this. Ask her to let you make the next towels that are needed at home.

3. Notice the hems on the sheets at home. Why is it more practical to stitch these hems on the sewing machine than to hem them by hand? Ask your mother why the top hem is usually made wider than the bottom hem. Why are there no hems on the sides of sheets? If the hem is handmade what kind of stitches do you usually find used? Perhaps you can find a sheet with a seam in the center, although sheets made in this way are uncommon now-a-days. See whether you can find out why. Ask permission to make or to assist in making the next sheets needed at home.

4. Can you explain why some pillow cases have seams down the side and some have not? If you can find one with the seam, observe it carefully. How is the bottom of a pillow case finished? Visit a dry goods store if possible and find out the price of pillow tubing and of unbleached and bleached muslin which is sold for making pillow cases. Inquire as to why unbleached muslin wears better and is cheaper than bleached muslin. Which would you prefer to buy, and why? Make a pair of pillow cases for your room.

See if you can find out the price of ready-made pillow cases with a plain hem and with a hemstitched hem; then compare with the price you would have to pay for the same grade of muslin to make the pillow cases. Judging from these figures, if you made a pair of pillow cases, how much would you receive for your work?

5. What kind of waterproof material would be especially desirable to use in covering a cookbook? Heavy paper is sometimes used to cover school books. Get a good quality of tough paper and cover some of your books at home.

6. How are extra buttons usually cared for? Do you always remove and save the buttons before throwing a worn out garment into the rag bag? Perhaps you know of someone who would appreciate a nice button bag for a Christmas gift. Design and make one at home for this purpose.

7. A bag for soiled handkerchiefs or dust cloths can be made on the same principle as the hair receiver; it should be larger. Make one for your room using your own ideas as to proper size and decoration. If possible use a piece of material which you have at home so as to avoid expense.

8. If you made the child's bib given in this section you have had some practice embroidering a scalloped edge. Name some different articles that you could make that would be very pretty finished with a scalloped edge. Then make some article with a scalloped edge. Possibly, if it is well done, your teacher would be glad to have you save it for an exhibit day.

9. If you have made buttonholes in school it would be an excellent idea to make more at home, as it takes considerable practice to become skillful. Try to make a buttonhole so well that your mother will be glad to let you work the buttonholes in some garment that she may be making.