Paragraph 132. The lazy daisy stitch is simply a loop of thread fastened with a running stitch at the top. It is worked over a design.

To make this stitch fasten the thread by taking two or three tiny stitches one over the other on the under side of the material and bring the needle through at the center of the design. Insert the needle again very close to the point where the thread just came out, thus forming a loop of thread on the right side of the material; draw this loop down until it is just long enough to cover the ellipse or design marked on the cloth. Without pulling the loop any closer, bring the needle up through the cloth at the outside edge of the design. Allow the needle to pass through the loop previously made, and draw the thread down carefully to fit the design; fasten this loop in place as shown in Figure 34, by inserting the needle again just outside of the top of the loop thus making a short running stitch over the loop. Bring the needle up again at the center of the design, and repeat until all the loops have been worked. Fasten the thread on the under side by taking two or three stitches over and over. The center of the design is usually filled with French knots (Par. 130) or with the seed stitch (Par. 127). The lazy daisy stitch is used in fancy work. It is an attractive stitch as it is generally worked in colors; it is used principally in making leaves or the petals of flowers like the daisy.

Figure 33.

Figure 33.