
When an order has gone through the machinery of a " bucket shop " and been accepted by the same, theoretically executed, it has been " bucketed." No actual purchase or sale takes place, the broker must pay losses if the customer has guessed the right way, and vice versa if the opposite.

1 "Essentials of Business Law," Burdick.

" Bucketed " is used to denote the handling by a legitimate stock exchange broker of his customer's accounts on " bucket shop " methods. In other words, he takes the opposite end of the bet to his customer, and buys if his customer sells, and sells if he buys. By this plan, however, securities are actually bought and sold, to that extent differing from a real " bucket shop." Such practice is not in good repute.

Building And Mutual Loan Associations

See "Building and Loan Associations."

Building Mortgage

See "Mechanic's Lien."


A small but sudden advance in prices.


One who believes that conditions are ripe for an advance in prices, or one who desires such an advance, and talks "bullish" accordingly. One may believe that the price of a certain security is about to advance, and, therefore, is said to be a "bull " on that particular security, whereas, he may not necessarily be a "bull " on others.

One writer defines a "bull " as "a man who has something to sell . . . consequently he is anxious for prices to go up' that he may do so at a good price.

Bull Account

(First read "Bull.") All those who are interested on the bull side of a particular security, or of the market in general.

Bull Campaign

An organized attempt to force up the prices of one or more stocks for the purpose of selling out on the advance.

Bull Clique

Those whose interests lie in the direction of an advance in price of one or several securities, or market prices in general, and who unite in mutual efforts to obtain such a result. A " bull clique " in Union Pacific, for instance, is a combination formed to effect an advance in price of Union Pacific Common Stock. (See " Clique.")

1 Department of Commerce and Labour, Bulletin No. 55.

Bulling Prices (or the Market). Pushing prices upwards.


Uncoined gold or silver, generally in the form of bars, but sometimes in lumps or other masses. Although the uncoined metal is usually understood, yet, in discussions relating to the currency, the coined metal is signified as well. For export purposes the former is generally used.

Bullion Point

This is occasionally used in the same sense as the " gold import point " or the " gold export point."