This section is from the book "Money And Investments", by Montgomery Rollins. Also available from Amazon: Money and Investments.
The unit of money of the "Latin Union" - France, Switzerland, etc., - as the dollar is for the United States and Canada, and equal to $.193 United States money.
In quotations of foreign exchange "francs" indicate exchange on Paris.
France, Government Bonds of. See "Rentes."
France, Offering American Securities for Sale. The Daily Consular Report of June 8, 1907, gives the following extract from the law of Jan. 30, 1907, which is of interest to those contemplating offering American securities in France:
" Prior to all measures of publicity the parties issuing, exhibiting, introducing, or offering for sale such securities shall cause to be inserted and published in a bulletin supplement to the Journal Officiel, the form of which will be determined by decree, a notice containing the following announcements:
"First, the denomination or title of the society (or company). Second, citation of the legislation (French or foreign) under which the corporation is organized. Third, the location of its central office. Fourth, the object of the enterprise. Fifth, the period of time for which the company is authorized. Sixth, the amount of its capital, and the amount assessed and paid or remaining to be paid in, on each class of securities. Seventh, the last balance sheet, duly certified as being a true copy, or a statement to the fact that one has not yet been issued.
"There shall be also indicated the amount of obligations which have been already issued by the company, with enumeration of the guarantees which are attached thereto.
"There must be furthermore stated the stipulated benefits which accrue to the profit of the organizers, administrators, and managers of the company.
"The issuers, exhibitors, introducers, and those who offer for sale such securities shall be domiciled in France; they shall be required to sign the above specified notice with their name and address."
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