
The " ticker " abbreviation for "guaranteed."


The Guanajuato Consolidated Mining and Milling Co. (Gold.)


An undertaking that the engagement or promise of another shall be performed. The 4% bonds of the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain R. R. Co. are guaranteed by the Rutland R. R. Co., which means that the latter promises their payment in case the former, for any reason, does not fulfill its obligation.

An issue of bonds may be guaranteed in several ways: First, the principal of the bond may be guaranteed only; second, the interest only; third, guaranteed both principal and interest. These are the three principal forms.

The word " guarantee " is often used in the same sense as

"guaranty," but in such cases the latter is more correct. "Guarantee" may also be used to designate the party for whom the "guaranty" is made. In the above case the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain R. R. Co. is the "guarantee." Also read next subject and "guaranty."


One who promises that the engagement of another shall be performed. See "Guarantee" - in that case the Rutland R. R. Co. is the "guarantor."


One legally intrusted with the care of the person, and management of property, of a minor, imbecile, or other person incapable of managing his affairs. Usually appointed by the court, but may sometimes be appointed under a will.


The old name for the monetary unit of value in The Netherlands; a coin equal to $.402 United States money. Also called "Gulden," but properly now "Florin."


See " Guilder."


An old English piece of money which has not been coined since 1813, equal to 21 English shillings or about $5.10 United States money.

Gunning (for) a Stock. At times, when a banking house is known to be carrying an excessive amount of some stock, another broker - or a combination - may use every means to depress its price, and produce a sudden "break," thus being able himself to buy at lower prices. The reverse of the operation may be undertaken to compel those "Short" to "cover."


A self-flowing oil well, and one which produces large quantities.


A silver coin of Great Britain, equal in value to about $.608 United States money.


See " Five-cent Silver Piece."


A silver coin of the United States containing 173.61 grains of fine silver and 19.29 of alloy. " Legal tender " in amounts not in excess of $10.


A gold coin of the United States of the value of $5, containing 116.10 grains of fine gold, and 12.90 grains of alloy.