This section is from the book "Wild Flowers East Of The Rockies", by Chester A. Reed. Also available from Amazon: Wild Flowers East Of The Rockies.
Celandine Poppy (Stylophorum Diphyllum) is a very similar species, both as to leaf and flower. It has fewer flowers than the last, and the seed pod is ovoid in shape and bristly. It is found from Pa. to Wise, and southwards.
A. Dutchman's Breeches.
Dicentra cucullaria.
B. Squirrel Corn.
Dicentra canadensis.
This peculiarly flowered herb belongs to the Fumitory family (Fumariaceae), a family of delicate, smooth plants with watery juices and compound, dissected leaves. One has but to glance at this species to see why it should have received the name it bears. Of times objects are fancifully named, and. future generations look and wonder, but fail to see the reason for so naming them, but not so with Dutchman's Breeches, for there are the little panties suspended where all may see them.
The flower stalk, proceeding from the root, attains heights of from 5 to 9 inches and bears a loose raceme of four to eight white, inverted flowers; the four petals are united in pairs, two of them forming a large double-spurred sac, and the other two very small petals forming a protection for the stigma. The double sac is white, stained with yellow. The leaves are on long petioles from the rootstalk; they are pale sage-green in color, 3-parted and finely slashed. Dutchman's Breeches may be found blooming in April and May. in rich, hilly woods from N. S. to Minn, and south to N. C. and Mo.
Squirrel Corn (D. Canadensis) is similar, but the white sac-like petals are stained with purple, the spurs are shorter and rounder and the flower is slightly fragrant. The roots have little tuberous appendages resembling grains of corn. This species is found in the same range as the last.
Pale Corydalis (Corydalis Sempervirens) is also similar in some respects to the foregoing species. The leaves are sage green, 3-parted, but not slashed as much as those of Dutchman's Breeches. The pale magenta flowers are half an inch long, have a rounded base and two-flanged mouth. It is found from N. S. to Minn, and south to Ga.
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