Round slide of ruched ribbon of softest make

Round slide of ruched ribbon of softest make.

The colour is pale heliotrope shaded with grey; it is suitable as a corsage ornament for a grey chiffon dress, or for a toque with plumes pleurantes

Handsome velvet slide in deep sapphire blue velvet on foundation of tailor's canvas

Handsome velvet slide in deep sapphire blue velvet on foundation of tailor's canvas. Wire stiffening is required as the slide measures 8 inches in length; sapphires en cabochon ornament each corner; crepe de Chine, light grey in colour, is drawn through the slide

White rose slide for confining the satin folds on a debutante's dance dress

White rose slide for confining the satin folds on a debutante's dance dress. French canvas covered with green satin makes a firm foundation, on to which the roses are stitched. No foliage is used: an occasional fleck of moss or suggestion of the satin is the only relief