This section is from "Every Woman's Encyclopaedia". Also available from Amazon: Every Woman's Encyclopaedia.
For a larder a northerly aspect is best, because in this way the direct heat of the sun is avoided. Should this be impossible, however, a tree or bush may be grown which will shelter the window without excluding air. A larder must be dry, cool, well ventilated, and not situated near the kitchen or hot-water pipes. The windows must be large and open both ways, so as to admit plenty of light and air, because the three great foes to food are darkness, damp, and dirt.
The ingress of flies, etc., can be prevented by nailing sheets of perforated zinc over the windows. To find the walls, floor, and ceiling tiled is an ideal not often met with, but as a substitute one should insist on a smooth stone floor, hard, smooth, lime-washed walls and ceiling, and as few corners and ledges as possible. Rough, cracked surfaces harbour insects and dirt.
The ceiling should be lofty, and a good ventilator should be fixed as close to it as possible, to carry off impure air which rises. Iron rods for hanging meat, etc., should be fixed under the ceiling in a place where a brisk current of air always will be passing.
Perforated bricks also aid ventilation.
Care must be taken to ascertain that there is no communication between the larder and any drain through an untrapped grating in the floor, such as often exists for carrying off the scrubbing and rinsing water.
Marble, slate, or stone shelves are best. Wood is hard to keep clean and sweet. The upper part of the door should be made of perforated zinc for ventilating purposes.
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