Copyright, H. Colt

This can be sunk slightly, and approached by steps cut out in the grass, or made of shallow stone. Parallel with these can be made up the four or six borders, four, six, or more feet in width as space allows, in which masses of sweet-scented flowers are to be arranged.

In making the garden, it is needless to say that the ground should be deeply trenched and well made up with old manure and good fibrous loam, and as the effects will be permanent, it would be well to make up a special compost where required for the different types of plants grown.

One or more of the wide borders may contain specimens of the best flowering shiubs - which, of course, must be carefully kept within bounds. Almonds, mezereon, double furze, flowering currants, and magnolias will beautify the early part of the year. Small hawthorns, double cherry, and laburnums can follow, with brooms, sweet-briar, s p i r e a s, sweet bay, mock orange, and syringa later on.

Old-fashioned Flowers

The hardy flowers which will form the staple of the scented garden must include wall-flowers and sweet-scented bulbs in spring, arranging the dark wallflowers in great masses against the yellow and white of late-flowering narcissi and tulips. These may be grouped in the neighbourhood of some of the flowering shrubs, and in partial shade also may be planted and left undisturbed large clumps of garden lilies of many kinds.

While speaking of lilies, a special place should, of course, be reserved for a bed of lilies of the valley for picking, where these can remain and increase from year to year, a top-dressing of leaf-mould only being given in autumn.

The Cultivation Of Lilies

The selection of lilies is so large that the garden-maker will hardly wish for guidance, but a few remarks as to the method of planting will be useful. A deep, rich soil is needful for most lilies, and this should be thoroughly drained with rubble at the time of making up. In planting bulbs, place them two or three inches below the surface, and put plenty of sand above and below. A dusting of flowers of sulphur before planting will go some way to prevent disease.

In the case of stem-rooting varieties, a top-dressing of rich, light soil mixed with charcoal should be given as soon as these roots appear. Lilies with stem roots should not be exposed to full sunshine, for obvious reasons.

As a broad border to the summer-flowering lilies, to harmonise with white and yellow, and form a fitting set-off to the orange lilium croceum and others, lavender should be grown, especially the stronger Grappen-hall variety, now beginning to find favour. Lavender is, of course, delightful to gather and dry for placing in muslin bags among linen, and it is a pity that, like the making of pot-pourri - for which the scented garden will give ample material - the custom is tending to be less practised than formerly.

Among herbaceous perennials and annuals which will be planted in large masses are meadowsweet, sweet sultans (especially the new and beautiful varieties called Bride, Bridegroom, Bridesmaid, and Honeymoon), and sweet scabious, a charming annual both for sight and smell, which makes a good background to dwarfer plants such as verbenas and stocks.

While on the subject of stocks, the night-scented stock should be mentioned, as a not too conspicuous place must be given to this flower, owing to its unattractive appearance by day. Lovers of Mrs. Ewing will need no reminder to include red bergamot in their garden - a good town subject, too, albeit its distinctive association with the hero of Daddy Darwin's Dovecot. The silver-leaved rosemary and southernwood

(or Old Man, as it is called) should be planted in large clumps, like carnations, picotees, and pinks, and, in a sheltered place, there should be borders of violets (especially white violets) and primroses, to surprise the wanderer in early spring. A still earlier flower which asks nothing but to flourish undisturbed is the winter heliotrope (Tussilago fragrans).

Sweet Peas And Roses

Woodruff is a kindly little subject for the garden later in the year, and will flourish in shade and without disturbance.

If a small pond forms part of the scented garden, water-lilies will, of course, be grown, sweet irises, and rushes, and water hawthorn.

The garden of sweet scents will not be complete unless an ample space is devoted to sweet-peas, and for these there can be reserved either one of the broad borders surrounding the rose garden, or large spaces among the other plants. It is a good plan to have the peas arranged in separate colours, to harmonise with the colour scheme, as well as for the sake of convenience of gathering, with, perhaps, a fence of them planted in mixture towards the back.

A final feature of the scented garden must not be omitted. In arranging the sides of the sunk portion, a curved slope should be thrown up, facing the entrance,to be entirely covered with winhuriana and other roses of a rambling habit, pegged down carefully at intervals, and then allowed to roam at will.

Author of The Farmers' Friend, Small Holdings for Women etc.

Author of "The Farmers' Friend," "Small Holdings for Women" etc.

The Question of Glass - Care of Pathways - What to Do in the Winter - Etceteras of the Floral

Farm - Flowers to Grow

\/ast ranges of greenhouses mean an immense outlay of money, not only in their erection, but also in upkeep, and the woman who proposes to grow cut-flowers for market should regard glass in bulk as a future step, to be taken only after years of experience, when proficiency in every garden task has been attained.

At the commencement of a small undertaking a little glass is a positive necessity, even if it be only a few frames, but the whole point is to ensure a humble though thorough beginning, and then to make progress stage by stage and year by year.