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She died at the Palace of Londonderry in 1895. Her husband is still alive (1911), and has only just resigned the Primacy. Her hymns are so numerous that an exhaustive list is impossible, but here are the titles of three more famous ones: "All things bright and beautiful," "The roseate hues of early dawn," and "Jesus calls us o'er the tumult." Of this last beautiful hymn, which finds a place in "Hymns Ancient and Modern" for St. Andrew's Day, the first and last verses are as follow :
1st Verse
Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
Of our life's wild restless sea Day by day His sweet voice soundeth,
Saying, "Christian, follow Me."
Last Verse
Jesus calls us; by Thy mercies, Saviour, make us hear Thy call,
Give us hearts to Thine obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all.
The Sunday of a Bygone Day - Special Toys for the Young Children - Suggestions for Interesting
Games - Attendance at Church - The Boys and their Father
The problem of how the children's Sunday shall be spent is one that has to be solved by every parent who has their best interests at heart.
On the one hand, they do not desire it to be a day on which unnatural and uncalled-for restrictions are enforced, and on the other they wish it to be distinct and different from the ordinary week-day. A day to bring happier memories in the years to come than they themselves, maybe, can recall.
By many, Sundays are only remembered as days of intense weariness and discomfort, on which they were taken to church or other place of worship, and expected to listen to uninteresting and long sermons once, at least, and often twice in the day. Of these sermons a full report had to be given, sometimes even written out, failing which punishment was certain. In the afternoon whole chapters of the Bible or long hymns had to be committed to memory. Possibly, as a great concession, permission to read a " Sunday " book during the day was given. Is it surprising that under such a regime Sunday was a day to be dreaded instead of being the happiest in the week, and that anything in connection with church or religion was disliked in after years ?
It is.well that people have come to realise that Sunday should be a happy day for the children; one set apart from the week-days, it is true, but not necessarily a day of gloom.
Children will soon learn that week-day occupations or amusements are laid aside, not because they are wrong in themselves, but because Sunday gives an opportunity of taking up others.
For the tiny ones let there be special toys, such as a doll for the girls and a Noah's ark or box of bricks for the boys, to be kept by mother herself during the week, and played with only on Sunday. If these are in the nature of "best toys," to be taken extra care of, all the better. They will have the flavour of novelty, and the rough and tumble romping games in nursery overalls will be resumed on Monday with the greater zest. Bricks which form a picture when correctly put together will amuse a child for a long time, and the subject might form the text for a story from mother or grandmother.
Then there are puzzles, the subjects ranging over a wide field, some representing incidents in Bible stories. All children love stories, and, if told in simple language, they will never tire of hearing of the men and women of olden days in their unfamiliar Eastern setting.
When old enough to attend any religious service, children will take the greater interest in it if allowed their own special books, and encouraged and helped to follow the service from them. The self-control developed by having to sit more or less quietly for an hour or two, even if much of what goes on is beyond its understanding, will prove a valuable asset in after life to any child.
Children are apt to display a little self-consciousness when wearing their best' clothes, which may not be so easy to wear as older garments. It is well to see that there are no chafing strings or other fastenings to cause undue restlessness, and that little legs are not left to dangle over the seat without support. Hassocks are not expensive, and also serve to stand on during the hymns. Do not forget the average child delights to have a coin to place in any offertory that may be taken up.
Without in any way making a task of it, a little, chat over the sermon at dinner-time will reveal quite unexpected and original deductions in a child's mind, and will give the opportunity for explaining something that might have proved a puzzle for many years.
On Sunday, too, parents are brought into closer touch with their children than during the more strenuous working and school days in the week; servants and governesses being more or less off duty according to the arrangements of the household.
Both boys and girls will delight in the opportunity of going with their father for a walk, and, if he is of a sympathetic nature, he will not fail to respond to his children's affection. In an ordinary business or professional life there is not much time during the week for a man to "chum up" with his boys, but though they would not express it in words, perhaps, they are only too glad to be friends with their father.
The habit of companionship once formed, will not be easily broken, and in after life, and when out in the world for themselves, and in some trouble or tight corner, it will not be nearly so difficult for them to turn for help and advice to the one who is probably their best adviser.
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