Required: One and a half pints of water. A quarter of a pound of loaf sugar. The rind of one lemon. Three tablespoonfuls of tapioca. One pound of rhubarb. Cochineal, if required.

Put the water, sugar, and pared lemon-rind into a saucepan. When this boils, sprinkle in the tapioca, and cook gently till it is quite clear. Next wipe, peel, and cut up the rhubarb into finger lengths. Put it in a pie-dish, and pour over it the tapioca.

Cover the pie-dish with a piece of buttered paper, and cook in a slow oven till the rhubarb is quite tender. It is then ready to serve, either hot or cold.

Note. Apples peeled and cored may be used in the place of rhubarb. In either case a drop or two of cochineal may be added to the water if you wish it to be a pretty pink.

Cost, 4d.