Sifted Peas

Soak Scotch peas overnight; in the" morning look over, discarding all the poor ones, wash, and boil in soft water. Let them boil quite hard for the first half-hour, as that will remove the skins, and they will come to the top and can be skimmed off, making it easier to sift. When perfectly tender, put through a colander. Season with salt and nut butter to taste, and bake in the oven. Serve hot.

Green Peas And Beans

The pea and bean in the mature state belong to the Legume family, but in their unripe condition are usually classed with the vegetable. In this state, they are not very nutritious, but make palatable and healthful dishes for summer, when so great a quantity of heat-producing elements are not required.

Peas Baked With Nutmeato

Take 3 cups of sifted peas (prepared according to preceding recipe), 1 cup of nutmeato grated or mashed. Season with sage and salt to taste; lastly add the beaten white of the egg. Put in an oiled tin, and bake until nicely browned. Grated onion or celery may be added instead of the sage if desired.

Canned Green Peas With Nutmeato

Cut the nutmeato into small pieces, about one-third inch cubes, and cook in a little water for two hours in a double boiler or in a dish set on the back part of the stove where it will not boil but gently simmer. Meanwhile cook the peas until tender; when done, they should be quite dry; flavor with salt to taste and add the cooked nutmeato. Serve while hot.

Vegetable Turkey

To 1 pint of sifted peas add about 1 cup of water; the quantity to be added depends upon the amount of moisture in the peas; then add 1 well-beaten egg, 1 tablespoonful of nut butter dissolved in a little water, 2 tablespoonfuls of granola, and sage and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, and bake in an oiled pudding dish until brown; it should be quite dry when done.

Stewed Split Peas

Look over, wash, and put to cook in cold water (soft water is preferable); cook very slowly, allowing them to swell, being careful that they do not get dry and burn. Replenish with hot water if needed; cook until mushy. Season with salt to suit the taste, and if desired, add 1 teaspoonful of nut butter to 1 pint of the stewed peas.

Baked Split Peas

Cook like the preceding recipe, letting them boil very dry; then add salt to suit the taste, and to each pint of the cooked peas, add 1 teaspoonful of nut butter dissolved in as little water as possible. Put in an oiled pudding dish, and bake until brown. A little grated onion or sage may be added if desired.

Pea And Pecan Puree

Cook 1 1/2 cups of Scotch peas until tender, being careful to have them quite dry when done. Rub through a colander and add to them 1 cup of strained tomatoes, 1 cup of pecan meal, and salt to suit the taste. Reheat and serve.

Pea Puree

Take 2 cups of sifted peas and 2 teaspoonfuls of white flour. Rub the Hour smooth in a little cold water, add to the peas, and cook in a double boiler for fifteen minutes. If desired, add 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon- or tomato-juice.

Boiled Green Peas

Select good, sweet peas, shell and wash thoroughly, and boil in hot water until tender. About ten minutes before they are done, add salt to taste; then drain and pour over them thin raw peanut milk which has been cooked. Let boil up once and serve. If desired, it may be thickened with a little white flour.

Green Peas Baked

Take 1 pint of sifted green peas, and add salt to taste, 1 tablespoonful of very thick nut cream, and a tablespoonful of minced . parsley or celery leaves (they must be very fine). Pour in a pudding dish, and bake in the oven until of a nice brown on top.

Green Peas With Egg

Cook the peas until tender. Rub through a colander, and add a little minced celery or parsley, and salt to taste. To 1 pint of sifted peas add 2 tablespoonfuls of thick nut cream and one beaten egg. Put in a pudding dish, and bake in a slow oven or in a pan of water until the egg is set.