This section is from the book "Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book", by Mary J. Lincoln. Also available from Amazon: Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book.
Prepare the same as for Bouillon (page 131). If intended for jelly, clear it as directed for Clear Soup.
1 tablespoonful pearl barley. 3 blocks sugar.
½ lemon.
Wash the barley in cold water, then pour off the water, and put the barley, sugar, and lemon into the boiling water, and let it stand covered and warm for three hours; then strain it. Currant jelly or orange juice may be used instead of lemon. This is a valuable demulcent in colds, affections of the chest, hectic fever, strangury and other diseases of the bladder or urinary organs.
1 ounce clean gum arabic, and ½ ounce sugar, dissolved in 1 pint boiling water. 1 lemon (juice).
When dissolved, add the lemon juice, and strain through a fine strainer. This is soothing in inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Toast one pint of white or brown bread crusts very brown, but be careful not to burn them; add one pint of cold water; let it stand for one hour, then strain, and add cream and sugar to taste. The nourishment in the bread is easily absorbed when taken in this liquid form.
Pour one pint of boiling water over two slices of brown toast. Steep ten minutes, and strain. Add sugar and cream to taste.
Brown one cup of dried sweet corn or rice. Pound or grind it fine. Add one pint of cold water, and steep it one hour. Strain, and serve with sugar and cream. These are pleasant and nourishing beverages.
Pour one cup of boiling water upon one teaspoonful of slippery-elm powder or a piece of the bark. When cool, strain and flavor with' lemon juice and sugar. This is soothing in any inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Pour boiling water on mashed cranberries, barberries, or whortleberries. When cold, strain, and sweeten to taste.
No. 2. - Stir a tablespoonful of any acid jelly or fruit syrup into one tumbler of ice water.
No. 3. - Dissolve one tablespoonful of cream of tartar in one pint of water. Sweeten to taste.
Roast two large sour apples, cover with boiling water; when cool, pour off the water and strain. Add sugar to taste.
With a large needle or pin, chip half a cup of ice into bits as large as a pea. Mix with it about the same quantity of lemon, currant, blackberry, or barberry jelly. Very refreshing in fevers.
Boil two ounces of tamarinds with four ounces of stoned raisins in three pints of water for one hour. Strain and cool.
Bake a lemon or sour orange twenty minutes in a moderate oven. When done, open at one end and take out the inside. Sweeten with sugar or molasses. This is excellent for hoarseness and pressure on the lungs.
Squeeze the juice from one lemon and add one tablespoonful of sugar. Pour on one cup of boiling water, and cool. Or take hot for a cold, after retiring.
Pour one quart of boiling water over four tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed, and steep three hours. Strain and sweeten to taste, and add the juice of two lemons. Add a little more water if the liquid seem too thick. This is soothing in colds.
Soak, pick over, and wash one quarter of a cup of Irish moss. Pour on one pint of boiling water. Heat to the boiling-point, but not boil and keep it at that temperature half an hour. Strain, and squeeze into it the juice of one lemon, or enough to give it an acid taste. Sweeten to taste. Add acid phosphate in place of the lemon, if preferred.
Boil one cup of new milk, and add one cup of wine. Let it stand on the back of the stove five minutes. Strain, and sweeten the whey.
The whey, or water, of milk contains the sugar, salt, and other saline bodies necessary for digestion and the repair of the mineral part of the body.
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