This section is from the book "Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book", by Mary J. Lincoln. Also available from Amazon: Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book.
6 tablespoonfuls sugar. 1 saltspoonful salt.
Scald the milk. Beat the eggs; add the sugar and salt, then the scalded milk. Strain, add a little nutmeg, and bake about twenty minutes in a deep dish or in cups set in a pan of warm water; or steam in a bowl or in cups. Test the custard with a spoon; if it come out clean, the custard is done.
½ cup sugar.
2 tablespoonfuls water.
1 quart milk.
6 eggs.
½ teaspoonful salt.
1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Put the sugar in an omelet pan, and stir until it melts and is light brown; add the water, and stir into the warm milk. Beat the eggs slightly, add the salt and vanilla and part of the milk. Strain into the remainder of the milk, and pour into a buttered two-quart mould. Set the mould in a pan of warm water, and bake thirty to forty minutes, or till firm. Cut into the middle with a knife; if it come out clean, the custard is done. Serve cold with caramel sauce.
1 cup water.
1 cup fruit juice.
3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch.
½ saltspoonful salt. Sugar to taste. 3 eggs.
Boil the water and fruit juice (orange, lemon, or canned cherries, quince, or apricot). Wet the cornstarch in a little cold water, stir into the boiling syrup, and cook ten minutes. Add the salt and sugar to taste; the quantity depending upon the fruit. Beat the whites of the eggs till foamy, and stir into the starch. Turn at once into a mould. Serve cold with a boiled custard sauce made with the yolks of the eggs.
3 large tart apples. 3 eggs (whites).
½ cup powdered sugar. ½ cup jelly.
Stew or steam the apples (cored and quartered, but not pared), drain, and then rub them through a hair sieve. Beat the whites of the eggs stiff, add the sugar, beat again; add the apple, and beat till like snow. Pile lightly in a glass dish, garnish with jelly or holly leaves. Serve with boiled custard.
2 tablespoonfuls pearl tapioca. 1 pint milk. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1/3 cup sugar.
½ saltspoonful salt. Whites of 2 eggs. ½ teaspoonful vanilla.
Soak the tapioca in hot water enough to cover it, in the top of the double boiler placed on the back of the stove. When the water is absorbed, add the milk, and cook until the tapioca is soft and transparent. Beat the yolks of the eggs, add the sugar and salt. Pour the boiling mixture on them, and cook two or three minutes, or till it thickens like boiled custard. Remove from the fire, add the whites of the eggs, beaten to a foam. Stir well, and when cool flavor. Do not try to mould it, as it is more delicate when soft.
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