This section is from the book "Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book", by Mary J. Lincoln. Also available from Amazon: Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book.
Two eggs, beaten light, one cup of sugar, three even table-spoonfuls of melted butter, one cup of sour milk (or if sweet milk be used, add one teaspoonful of cream of tartar), four cups of flour, with half a teaspoonful of soda, and one salt-spoonful each of cinnamon and salt. Enough more flour to make just soft enough to roll out. Mix the dough rather soft at first. Have the board well floured, and the fat heating. Roll only a large spoonful at first. Cut into rings with an open cutter. Mix the trimmings with another spoonful. Work it slightly till well floured, and roll again. Roll and cut all out before frying, as that will demand your whole attention. Remember that the fat should be hot enough for the dough to rise to the top instantly.
1 quart flour.
½ cup sugar.
½ teaspoonful salt.
½ teaspoonful soda.
1 teaspoonful cream of tartar.
1 saltspoonful cinnamon or nutmeg.
1 egg.
Milk enough to moisten to a stiff dough.
1 egg.
1 cup sugar.
1 tablespoonful melted butter.
1 cup milk.
½ teaspoonful salt.
½ teaspoonful soda and 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar, or 4 level teasp. baking-powder. 1 saltspoonful cinnamon. Flour enough to roll out.
1 pint risen milk bread dough.
1 cup sugar.
2 eggs.
1 tablespoonful melted butter.
Spice to taste.
Flour enough to roll out.
These are more wholesome than those made with soda.
1 pt. new milk.
3 cakes Fleischman's yeast. 1 level teasp. salt.
1 heaped cup coffee-crushed sugar.
½ cup butter. ½ a nutmeg.
2 eggs.
Make a sponge of the milk warmed, the yeast and salt. When very light, add the butter and sugar creamed together with the thoroughly beaten eggs, also the nutmeg and sufficient bread flour to make a dough that will mould without added flour, but not too stiff. Mould one-half hour on a warm board, then roll out one-half inch thick, cut with a small biscuit cutter and arrange half an inch apart on the warm board and place near the range till light. Then fry slowly, roll in powdered sugar while hot if you prefer. This makes three dozen.
If a plainer rule is desired, omit one egg and use one-third cup of butter, the remainder of the rule the same as above. Be careful that at any time before frying they do not get too warm.
Rub a teaspoon of butter into a generous cup of sugar, add two unbeaten eggs and stir thoroughly; add one scant cup of milk. Mix four level teaspoons of baking powder in two cups of sifted-flour, and stir into the mixture. Then add more flour till soft as can be rolled out, one-third inch thick. Cut in rings and fry in clean hot fat. Test the fat by dropping in a piece of the dough, which should rise at once to the top with a good deal of ebullition and begin to brown at once. Turn only once.
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