Welsh Rarebit

¼ pound rich cream cheese. ¼ cup cream or milk. 1 teaspoonful mustard. ½ teaspoonful salt.

A few grains of cayenne. 1 egg 1 teaspoonful butter. 4 slices toast.

Break the cheese in small pieces, or if hard grate it. Put it with the milk in a double boiler. Toast the bread, and keep it hot. Mix the mustard, salt, and pepper; add the egg, and beat well. When the cheese is melted, stir in the egg and butter, and cook two minutes, or until it thickens a little, but do not let it curdle Pour it over the toast. Many use ale instead of cream.

Cheese Souffle

Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan; add one heaping tablespoonful of flour; when smooth, add half a cup of milk, half a teaspoonful of salt, and a few grains of cayenne. Cook two minutes. Add the yolks of three eggs, well beaten, and one cup of grated cheese. Set away to cool. When cold, add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into a buttered dish and bake twenty-five or thirty minutes. Serve immediately.

Crackers A La Creme

Split butter crackers, and spread with butter, salt, pepper, mustard, and cheese if you like. Put them in a buttered pudding-dish, cover with milk, and bake thirty minutes. Omit the mustard, pepper, and cheese, prepare in the same way, and it is called Cracker Brewis.

Sardine Canapes

Mix the yolks of hard-boiled eggs with an equal amount of sardines rubbed to a paste; season with lemon juice, and spread on thin slices of delicate toast-Put two pieces together, and cut in narrow strips.

Turkish Pilaf

One cup of stewed and strained tomatoes, one cup of stock, seasoned highly with salt, pepper, and minced onion. When boiling, add one cup of well-washed rice; stir lightly with a fork until the liquor is absorbed, then add half a cup of butter. Set on the back of the stove or in a double boiler, and steam twenty minutes. Remove the cover, stir it lightly, cover with a towel, and let the steam escape. Serve as a vegetable, or as a border for curry or fricassee.

No. 2. - Prepare as in the preceding receipt. Add with the butter one cup of cooked meat (lamb, veal, or chicken), cut into half-inch pieces and shredded very fine. Serve as an entree.

Sour Milk Cheese (Sometimes Called Dutch, Curd, Or Cottage Cheese)

1 quart thick sour milk. 1 teaspoonful butter.

1 saltspoonful salt. 1 tablespoonful cream-

Place the milk in a pan on the back of the stove, and scald it until the curd has separated from the whey.

Spread a strainer cloth over a bowl, pour in the milk, lift the edges of the cloth, and draw them together; drain or wring quite dry. There will be but half or two thirds of a cup of curd, but it is worth saving. It is the flesh-forming or nutritive part of the milk. Put it in a small bowl, with the butter, salt, and cream; mix it to a smooth paste with a spoon. Take a teaspoonful, and roll in the hand into a smooth ball. It should be quite moist, or the balls will crack. If too soft to handle, put it in a cool place for an hour, and then it will shape easily. Or it may be served without shaping, just broken up lightly with a fork. If scalded too long, the curd becomes very hard and brittle. It is better when freshly made, and is delicious with warm gingerbread. An excellent lunch or tea dish. Season this cheese with one tablespoonful of finely powdered sage, if you like the flavor.