Aspic Jelly From Uncleared Stock

5 cups of broth freed of fat

1 to 2 ounces of gelatine

½ to 1 whole cup of cold water

3 whites of eggs Several shells of eggs

Soften the gelatine in the cold water. Beat the whites of eggs slightly. Crush the shells. Mix the whites, shells and softened gelatine with the stock, and stir constantly over the fire until the boiling point is reached. Let boil five minutes.. Draw to a cooler part of the range to settle, then strain and it is ready to use. The thin yellow peel of a lemon may be added with the other ingredients, or wine may be added, after clearing.

Delicate Chicken Aspic

Clean a chicken about a year old; separate into joints, wash carefully, cover with cold water and heat quickly to the boiling point, then let simmer until tender. Strain off the broth - through a napkin. Season with salt and pepper and it is ready to set aside to chill and use. Two stalks of celery and an onion may be cooked with the chicken if desired. This variety of aspic is particularly good to serve around any cold dish in which chicken or veal are used.

Molding In Aspic Jelly

Perhaps the simplest dishes in this class are those in which some article, as yolks of eggs or fillets of chicken breast, are molded in aspic jelly. The decoration of the mold makes the dish more elaborate. A single mold - even a comparatively large one - is not a long undertaking, when ice is at hand for chilling every article used, and things are made ready in advance; but if one were to serve eight or ten individual molds, she would not think of preparing them the day on which they were to be used. Small fancy cutters or plain round tubes of various sizes insure regularity in shape and size of slices of truffle or hard-cooked white of egg used in decorating molds. Capers, green peas, and slices of olives furnish more easily prepared garnishes. For ease in decoration, molds should be chilled, then by pouring in a few spoonfuls of liquid aspic and turning the mold round and round, it may be coated with the aspic. Return the mold to the crushed ice and water. With a larding needle (it has a fine sharp point) take up the decorations and set them in place on the bottom of the mold, and put a drop or two of liquid aspic on each. When all are set, gently pour in a few spoonfuls of aspic. Decorate the sides of the mold, by dipping the bits of garnish in aspic and then setting them against the chilled sides, to which they will adhere, then finish filling the mold according to the directions given under each special dish.

Unmolding Aspic Dishes

Set the mold, an instant only, into warm - not hot - water, letting the water come up on the outside to the height of the mixture on the inside. The water must not be warm enough to melt the jelly. Tip the mold from side to side to see if the jelly be loosened from the mold, then invert on the serving dish. Dispose the mold of jelly upon the exact spot on which it is to stand, for it is liable to break if moved.