Braised Squabs Or Goslings

Truss six squabs for roasting; roll them in flour and saute in butter, turning to brown them evenly on all sides. Add one cup and a half of Sauterne (or white broth) and let cook at a gentle simmer half an hour. Chop fine the hearts and livers with six stoned olives, a small shallot and two sprigs of parsley; let cook in a tablespoonful of butter, add three tablespoonfuls, each, of water and orange juice. Spread this over six squares of toast; set the toast in the oven for five minutes; dispose a squab on each slice and serve at once.

Poeled Squabs Or Birds

Truss as for roasting; set in a casserole on a bed of sliced onions, carrot and celery, baste with hot fat, cover and let cook until the joints separate easily, basting with hot fat each ten minutes. Remove the birds and keep hot; add a cup or more of veal broth to the vegetables, let simmer ten minutes, strain, remove the fat, and use the broth with brown roux in making a sauce. Serve the birds on toast.

Squabs, Broiled

Cut off the heads and feet, split down the back, lay a cloth over the breast and flatten the bone with a cleaver, or, the breast bone may be removed. Brush over both sides with a little melted butter and broil over hot coals or under a gas flame. Garnish with cress. Serve with celery croquettes or fritters, or hominy croquettes.

Roasted Squabs

Truss neatly, cook thirty minutes, basting four times with melted butter or bacon fat. Lard the breasts or tie a slice of bacon over each squab. Chop the livers, add pepper and a little chopped parsley, and stir in the pan from which the squabs have been taken; add butter, if needed, and two tablespoonfuls of flour, cook till frothy, then add a cup of rich broth, stir till boiling, add one or two tablespoonfuls of sherry and serve with the squabs.

Hot orange sauce is particularly good with roast, fried, or sauted squabs. With the first sauce sliced oranges might be added to the green salad served with the squabs.

Squabs Fried And Sauted

Cut off the heads on a line with the top of the breast bone, cut off the feet, split in halves through the back and breast bones. Season with salt and pepper, then roll in flour and saute until brown on both sides, or egg-and-bread crumb, and cook in deep fat or by sauteing. Do not have the fat too hot at first, as the squabs will take from six to eight minutes to cook.

Squabs Under Glass Bells

4 slices of bacon

Six squabs

12 or 24 mushrooms

½ cup of white wine 1 cup of rich stock ½ cup of tomato puree

Cut the bacon in small pieces and let cook until nicely browned; remove the bits of bacon and in the fat saute the squabs, cut in halves, until well colored on both sides. Remove the squabs to a casserole, turn the wine into the frying pan and let stand to take up the glaze from the pan and evaporate a little; turn the wine over the squabs and add the stock and puree, also the bits of bacon. The liquid should cover the squabs. Cover the dish and let cook in the oven, very slowly, until the squabs are about tender. Set the squabs on individual ramekins, one or two halves as is desired on each; saute the mushroom caps, from which the stems and peeling have been taken, in butter; set two on each dish, strain the liquid in which the squabs were cooked, remove all fat, season with salt and pepper and strain over the squabs on the dishes. Set a glass bell over each dish and let cook fifteen or twenty minutes in a moderate oven. The bells should not be removed until the dishes are set before the guests.

Roast Plover On Toast

Clean and truss neatly. Cover the breast with fat bacon, and roast in a hot oven about twelve minutes. Set on slices of toast. Add a glass of white wine and a little rich, concentrated broth to the drippings, and strain this over the birds. Garnish the lower end with watercress and quartered lemon. Serve, with chiccory salad, on small cold plates.

Roast Plover And Other Birds Basted With Sour Cream

Brush over the birds when ready for the oven with sour cream; let stand a short time, then brush again with the sour cream, rubbing it in well. Roast three or four minutes and again spread with the cream; dredge with sifted bread crumbs and finish cooking.