Cut up some cooked lobster meat into small quarter inch squares, the same quantity of celery and finely chopped beet root. Mix all these with a little mayonnaise sauce (No. 606), adding to it chopped up chervil and tarragon and some red pepper. Range this on side dishes and sprinkle over the lobster coral finely chopped, or else the lobster sprawu and some chopped parsley.

(795). Lobster Mayonnaise Printaniere (Homard Mayonnaise Printaniere)

Select a freshly cooked and heavy lobster, cut up the meat taken from the tail and claws into slices, and dress them crown shaped on a side dish, and garnish the center with the green creamy part from the body. Prepare a mayonnaise sauce (No. 606) with some chervil, tarragon and lobster coral, all chopped up finely, cover the whole of the lobster witli the mayonnaise and serve.