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How to Cook Fish | by Olive Green

"First catch your hare," the old cookery-books used to say, and hence it is proper, in a treatise devoted entirely to the cooking of Unshelled Fish, to pay passing attention to the Catching, or what the Head of the House terms the Masculine Division of the Subject. As it is evident that the catching must, in every case precede the cooking...

TitleHow to Cook Fish
AuthorOlive Green
PublisherG. P. Putnam's Sons
Copyright1908, G. P. Putnam's Sons
AmazonHow to Cook Fish
How To Cook Fish
-The Catching Of Unshelled Fish
First catch your hare, the old cookery-books used to say, and hence it is proper, in a treatise devoted entirely to the cooking of Unshelled Fish, to pay passing attention to the Catching, or what t...
-Fish In Season
Bass - All the year. Blackfish - April 1 to November 1. Bluefish - May 1 to November 1. Butterfish - October 1 to May 1. Carp - July 15 to November 1. Codfish - All the year. Eels - All the year. Flou...
-Eleven Court Bouillons
I Put into the bottom of the fish-kettle a thick layer of sliced carrots and onion, and a sliced lemon. Season with parsley, thyme, a bay-leaf, half a dozen whole peppers, and three or four whole clo...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces
Admiral Sauce Add two pounded anchovies, four chopped shallots, a teaspoonful of chopped capers, and a little grated lemon-peel to one cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce. Reheat, season with salt and peppe...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 2
Bearnaise Sauce - I Bring to the boil two tablespoonfuls each of vinegar and water. Simmer in it for ten minutes a slice of onion. Take out the onion and add the yolks of three eggs beaten very light...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 3
Caper Sauce - I Add half a cupful of capers to two cupfuls of Drawn-Butter Sauce. Caper Sauce - II Prepare a pint of Drawn-Butter Sauce and add to it two tablespoonfuls of capers, a tablespoonful...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 4
Egg Sauce - II Prepare a Cream Sauce according to directions previously given, and add the yolks of two raw eggs, a tablespoonful of grated onion, a hard-boiled egg, chopped fine, and a teaspoonful o...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 5
Hollandaise Sauce - II Put a bay-leaf and a chopped onion in two tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, bring to the boiling point, strain and cool. Cook together two tablespoonfuls of butter and one of...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 6
Lobster Sauce I Add half a cupful of chopped cooked lobster meat and the pounded coral to each cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce. Season with paprika, butter, and lemon-juice. Lobster Sauce - II Prepa...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 7
Olive Sauce Prepare according to directions given for Jersey Sauce, adding half a dozen chopped olives instead of the Worcestershire. Oyster Sauce - I Prepare a Cream Sauce according to direction...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 8
Poulette Sauce Simmer for ten minutes a pint of White Sauce, seasoning with salt, pepper, and lemon-juice. Beat the yolks of three eggs light and pour the hot sauce over them slowly. Cook for two min...
-One Hundred Simple Fish Sauces. Part 9
Tartar Sauce - III Prepare a cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce and add to it a teaspoonful each of made mustard, grated onion, and chopped pickle. Take from the fire, season with salt and cayenne, add the...
-Ten Ways To Serve Anchovies
I Clean, bone, and trim the fish. Arrange on a dish, alternating with quarters of hard-boiled eggs. Moisten with olive-oil, sprinkle with parsley, and serve with toasted crackers. II Split the anch...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass
Baked Bass - I Scale, wash, and clean, leaving the head intact. Make a stuffing of two cupfuls of breadcrumbs, one cupful of butter, two eggs well beaten, and enough cold water to make a smooth paste...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 2
Baked Bass A La Newport Clean the fish, gash the top, season with salt and pepper, and cover with thin slices of salt pork. Pour a little boiling water into the pan and bake slowly, basting as requir...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 3
Bass A La Bordelaise Split a large sea-bass. Put into a baking-dish with a wineglassful of Claret and salt and pepper to season. Sprinkle with chopped shallot, cover with buttered paper, and cook in ...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 4
Fried Bass With Bacon Clean and cut up the fish, season with pepper and salt, roll in flour, and fry in hot lard. Serve with rashers of bacon fried separately. Garnish with parsley and lemon. Frie...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 5
Boiled Sea-Bass With Melted Butter Sauce Boil the fish in acidulated water according to directions previously given. Drain, garnish with parsley, and serve with a sauce made by melting half a cupful ...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 6
Striped Bass With Caper Sauce Clean and trim a large striped bass, cut two incisions across the back, tie in a circle, and boil slowly in salted and acidulated water for forty minutes. Drain, pour ov...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Bass. Part 7
Striped Bass A La Marseilles Clean a large striped bass and divide into fillets. Put into a fish-boiler with three tablespoonfuls of butter, two large onions, sliced, a bunch of parsley, a bay-leaf, ...
-Eight Ways To Cook Black-Fish
Blackfish A L'Americaine Draw two large blackfish, trim, and clean thoroughly. Put into a baking-dish with two chopped onions fried in butter. Add two cupfuls of cold water and half a cupful of Port ...
-Twenty-Six Ways To Cook Bluefish
Baked Bluefish A L'Italienne Score and scale the bluefish and put it into a buttered pan with three tablespoonfuls each of white wine and mushroom liquor, a tablespoonful of chopped onion, half a doz...
-Twenty-Six Ways To Cook Bluefish. Continued
Baked Bluefish With White Wine Sauce Put a cleaned bluefish into a buttered pan with salt, pepper, minced parsley, sweet herbs, a sliced onion, two cupfuls of white wine, and one cupful of white stoc...
-Five Ways To Cook Butter-Fish
Fried Butterfish - I Trim, draw, and clean the fish. Wipe dry, dip in milk, roll in flour and fry in a frying-pan in plenty of clear hot fat. Drain on a cloth, sprinkle with salt, and garnish with le...
-Twenty-Two Ways To Cook Carp
Baked Carp - I Clean a carp and cover it with salted cold water and vinegar. Soak for an hour, then drain and dry. Stuff with seasoned crumbs, sew up, and put into a deep baking-pan. Brush with beate...
-Twenty-Two Ways To Cook Carp. Continued
Carp A La Bordelaise Chop fine an onion, a carrot, and a bunch of parsley. Add two cupfuls of white wine, a clove of garlic, three cloves, and salt and pepper to season. Cook for fifteen minutes, the...
-Six Ways To Cook Catfish
Catfish Stewed With Tomatoes Slice the fish and fry in butter. When half cooked, add a cupful of water, a chopped onion, a red pepper, and a can of tomatoes. Cook slowly for half an hour and serve wi...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish
Baked Codfish - I Rub the inside of a small fresh cod with butter and lemon-juice and put on a buttered drainer in a fish-kettle. Rub with butter, sprinkle with chopped mushrooms, shallots, and parsl...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 2
Quick Baked Codfish Put a thick slice of codfish into a baking-pan. Rub with butter, season with pepper and salt, and add sufficient boiling water to moisten. Bake for half an hour, basting frequentl...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 3
Boiled Codfish With Caper Sauce - II Boil a small fresh codfish in court bouillon, and allow it to cool partially in the liquor. Serve with Caper Sauce. Boiled Codfish Creamed Sew up the fish in ...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 4
Fricasseed Salt Codfish Soak over night in cold water two pounds of salt codfish. Take out the bones, cover with fresh water, and bring to the boil. Fry in olive-oil two chopped onions and a green pe...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 5
Boiled Cods' Tongues With Egg Sauce Soak the tongues over night, change the water, and boil for ten minutes. Serve with Drawn-Butter Sauce. Fried Codfish Tongues Wash the tongues, dip in cold mil...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 6
Salt Codfish A La Brandade Cut the fish in pieces and soak in cold water for twenty-four hours. Put into fresh cold water, bring to the boil, and simmer for twenty minutes. Drain, bone, and cool. Mix...
-Sixty-Seven Ways To Cook Codfish. Part 7
Fillets Of Codfish Clean and bone the fish and cut into thick strips. Put into a buttered saucepan with a little stock, season, sprinkle with minced parsley, and set into the oven, covered with a but...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels
Braised Eel Skin and clean an eel, cut it into two-inch pieces, sprinkle with salt, and let stand for an hour. Soak in cold water for ten minutes, drain, and dry. Put into a buttered saucepan, season...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels. Part 2
Eels A La Lyonnaise Clean two large eels, cut into four-inch lengths and remove the bones. Cook in equal parts of white wine and water to cover, adding salt, pepper, a sliced onion, a clove of garlic...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels. Part 3
Eels A La London Fry four chopped onions in butter, dredge with flour, and cook thoroughly. Add two cupfuls of stock, half a cupful of Port wine, two bay-leaves, and salt and pepper to season. Cook u...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels. Part 4
Stewed Eels - III Clean, skin, and joint the eels. Cover with boiling water, add a tablespoonful of vinegar, and cook for ten minutes. Drain, cook together one. tablespoonful of butter and two of flo...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels. Part 5
Matelote Of Eels - II Cut a pound and a half of prepared eels into two-inch pieces and fry for two minutes in butter. Add a wineglassful of Claret, and three tablespoonfuls each of stock and mushroom...
-Forty-Five Ways To Cook Eels. Part 6
Pickled Eels Clean and cut three pounds of eels into six-inch lengths. Cover with salt, let stand for three hours, then rinse thoroughly. Boil together for fifteen minutes one cupful of vinegar, one ...
-Fifteen Ways To Cook Finnan-Haddie
Boiled Finnan-Haddie - I Divide into convenient pieces, cover with boiling water, add a teaspoonful of sugar, and boil for fifteen minutes. Take up on a hot platter, remove the skin, and dot with but...
-Thirty-Two Ways To Cook Flounder
Baked Flounder Clean and split two flounders and take out all the small bones. Lay the fish in a buttered dish, sprinkle with chopped mushrooms, minced parsley, onion, and grated breadcrumbs, season ...
-Thirty-Two Ways To Cook Flounder. Part 2
Baked Fillets Of Flounder Remove the back-bone and cut the fish into four pieces. Roll up each piece and pin with a toothpick. Soak for an hour in oil and lemon-juice. Roll in seasoned crumbs, then i...
-Thirty-Two Ways To Cook Flounder. Part 3
Turbans Of Flounder With Oysters Prepare according to directions given above, stuffing with chopped oysters and seasoned crumbs. Fricassee Of Flounder Clean the flounders, cut into convenient pie...
-Thirty-Two Ways To Cook Flounder. Part 4
Stuffed Fillets Of Flounder - II Prepare the fillets according to directions previously given. Put each two together, with mashed potato beaten light with egg between. Cover with crumbs, dip in egg a...
-Twenty-Seven Ways To Cook Frog Legs
Fried Frog Legs - I Beat the yolk of an egg with a cupful of milk and add flour enough to make a smooth batter. Dip into the batter frog legs which have been marinated in oil and vinegar, and fry in ...
-Twenty-Seven Ways To Cook Frog Legs. Continued
Fricassee Of Frog Legs - II Prepare and skin the legs and boil until tender in veal stock to cover, with pepper and salt to season, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a bit of lemon-peel. Add a small slice ...
-Twenty-Two Ways To Cook Haddock
Broiled Haddock - I Clean and dry a fresh haddock, rub with vinegar, sprinkle with flour, and broil on a well greased gridiron. Serve with Shrimp or Anchovy Sauce. Broiled Haddock - II Soak the f...
-Twenty-Two Ways To Cook Haddock. Continued
Baked Haddock With Oyster Stuffing Remove the skin, head, and tail, and take out as many bones as possible. Divide into two fillets. Sprinkle with salt and brush with lemon-juice. Lay one fillet on a...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut
Broiled Halibut - I Cut into steaks, dust with salt and pepper, cover with melted butter, and let stand for half an hour. Dredge with flour and broil. Serve with a garnish of sliced lemon and parsley...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 2
Halibut A La Creole - II Lay halibut steak for an hour in oil and vinegar, adding chopped onion and minced parsley to the marinade. Drain and put the fish into a baking-pan. Turn over it a sauce made...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 3
Baked Halibut With Tomato Sauce Cook together for twenty minutes two cup-fuls of tomatoes, one cupful of water, a slice of onion, three cloves, and a teaspoonful of sugar. Cook together three tablesp...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 4
Baked Chicken Halibut Prepare a dressing according to directions given in the preceding recipe. Stuff a chicken halibut, sew up and bake in a buttered pan, basting with melted butter and salted hot w...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 5
Halibut A La Jardiniere - II Cover two slices of halibut with a chopped onion, two tomatoes sliced, a shredded and seeded green pepper, a dozen chopped almonds, a tablespoonful of melted butter, and ...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 6
Halibut Pie Butter a china baking-dish and sprinkle with chopped shallots and parsley. Add a layer of chopped halibut, and salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, chopped shallots, and parsley to season. Dot wi...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 7
Fillets Of Halibut Stuffed With Oysters Prepare the fillets according to directions given for Fillets of Halibut a la Poulette. Roll each one around an oyster, fasten with a wooden toothpick, and bak...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 8
Halibut With Caper Sauce Boil the halibut in salted and acidulated water. Pour over a Caper Sauce. Halibut Pudding Three pounds of halibut, six eggs, one quarter pound butter, one quart sweet mil...
-Eighty Ways To Cook Halibut. Part 9
Fried Halibut - I Cut into steaks, and saute in butter in a frying-pan, or dip in egg and crumbs and fry-in deep fat. Fried Halibut - II Season halibut steaks with salt and pepper, dredge with fl...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Herring
Stewed Herring Clean the fish and cut off the heads. Pack in layers in an earthen pot, and sprinkle salt and pepper over each layer. Chop together carrots and onions, enough to cover the fish, and fr...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Herring. Continued
Boiled Herring Clean the fish thoroughly, and rub with salt and vinegar. Skewer their tails in their mouths and boil for ten or twelve minutes. Drain and serve with melted butter and parsley. Herr...
-Nine Ways To Cook Kingfish
Boiled Kingfish Clean the fish and boil with enough fish stock to cover. Drain carefully, garnish with parsley, and serve with either Brown or White Sauce. Boiled Kingfish A La Hollandaise Scale ...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel
Broiled Spanish Mackerel - I Cut a fish down the middle, take out all the bones, and cut again in halves. Dry on a cloth and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Beat two eggs, add an equal quantity of oli...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 2
Broiled Salt Mackerel - I Soak the fish over night in cold water. In the morning drain, cover with boiling water, and let stand for an hour. Rinse in cold water, wipe dry, and soak for twenty minutes...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 3
Boiled Mackerel A La Bolonaise Clean four fresh mackerel, remove the heads and tails and cut in halves crosswise. Put into a saucepan with sliced onions, a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper, a little...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 4
Baked Mackerel - II Split a fresh mackerel, take out the backbone, dry thoroughly, and sprinkle the inside with salt and pepper. Drain the liquor from a quart of oysters and put aside a dozen of the ...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 5
Baked Fillets Of Mackerel With Cream Cook the prepared fillets in melted butter and drain. Thicken two cupfuls of white stock with butter and flour cooked together, add a wineglassful of white wine, ...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 6
Fried Mackerel Fry three slices of salt pork, and add to the fat a teaspoonful of Worcestershire Sauce. Fry in this fresh mackerel, dredged with flour. Season with melted butter. The mackerel may be ...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 7
Mackerel A La Tyrol Wash and dry two fresh fish, and put into a saucepan with salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, chopped parsley and onion, and two tablespoonfuls of cider. Cover and cook for half an hour,...
-Sixty-Five Ways To Cook Mackerel. Part 8
Mackerel With White Wine Sauce Cook three fresh mackerel in a cupful of white wine, with butter, salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, minced onion, and parsley to season. Take out the fish, and add two cupf...
-Five Ways To Cook Mullet
Broiled Mullet Soak the cleaned fish for an hour in salted and acidulated water. Drain, wipe dry, split, rub with seasoned butter, and broil. Broiled Mullets With Melted Butter Rub prepared mulle...
-Fifteen Ways To Cook Perch
Fried Perch - I Clean the fish, dip in flour, then in beaten egg, then in crumbs, and fry in plenty of fat. Drain and garnish with lemon and parsley. Fried Perch - II Dip the cleaned perch in flo...
-Ten Ways To Cook Pickerel
Broiled Pickerel A La Maitre D'Hote Prepare and clean the fish and cut into pieces suitable for serving. Dip in seasoned oil, broil, and serve with Maitre d'Hotel Sauce. Fried Pickerel - I Prepar...
-Twenty Ways To Cook Pike
Fried Pike - I Prepare and clean the fish, and cut into pieces suitable for serving. Fry brown in butter, add to the butter a teaspoonful of anchovy essence, a bit of ginger root, a grating of nutmeg...
-Twenty Ways To Cook Pike. Continued
Baked Pike A La Francaise Marinate the prepared fish for two hours in oil and lemon-juice, seasoning with salt, pepper, chopped onion, and minced parsley. Put into the oven in the marinade, adding on...
-Ten Ways To Cook Pompano
Broiled Pompano - I Clean and split the fish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, rub with butter, and broil. Squeeze lemon-juice over it and serve. Broiled Pompano - II Split the fish, remove the bac...
-Thirteen Ways To Cook Red Snapper
Fried Red Snapper Clean the fish, skin, and remove the backbone. Slice lengthwise in long thin strips, roll up and fasten with a toothpick or skewer. Dip in egg, then in cracker dust, and fry in deep...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon
Broiled Salmon - I Marinate slices of salmon in olive-oil with salt and pepper, minced parsley, bay-leaves, and mixed herbs to season. Soak in the marinade for an hour or more and broil, basting with...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 2
Boiled Salmon - II Chop together a carrot, an onion and a stalk of celery. Fry in butter, add half a cupful of vinegar, four cloves, four pepper-corns, a bay-leaf, a sprig of parsley, and six cupfuls...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 3
Salmon A La Supreme Boil a salmon in court-bouillon with wine, drain, cool, skin, and serve with Tartar Sauce. Mayonnaise Of Salmon Cook fresh salmon in a court-bouillon, drain, cool, skin, and s...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 4
Baked Salmon Cutlets Put salmon steaks into a buttered baking-pan with half a cupful of hot water and half a cupful of white wine. Sprinkle with salt, paprika, and grated nutmeg. Cover with raw oyste...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 5
Fried Salmon Steaks Dredge the steaks with seasoned flour or dip into egg and seasoned crumbs and fry. Fried Salmon Cutlets - I Steam salmon steaks, cool, cut into fillets, dip in egg and crumbs,...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 6
Salmon A La Candace Put a large cut of salmon on the drainer in a fish-kettle and cover it with a small slice of raw ham. Add two cupfuls of Rhine wine, a quart of stock, and a bunch of parsley. Cov...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 7
Salmon A La Maryland Prepare and clean a small salmon and simmer in salted water until done. Prepare a Drawn-Butter Sauce and add to it half a cupful of butter. When the butter is melted, take from t...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 8
Salmon Mousse A La Martinot Pound to a pulp with a little water, half a pound of raw salmon, and add the well-beaten whites of two eggs. Cook together one tablespoonful each of butter and flour, add ...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 9
Fricassee Of Salmon Cut two pounds of salmon steaks into strips. Put into a saucepan with half a cupful of water, salt and pepper to season, a clove, a blade of mace, a tablespoonful of sugar, a chop...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 10
Pickled Salmon - III Boil large pieces of salmon in salted and acidulated water, drain, and cool. Add one quart of the water in which the fish was cooked, two quarts of vinegar, a tablespoonful of pe...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 11
Salmon With Cucumber Sauce Put a large cut of salmon into a buttered saucepan with salt, pepper, a bunch of parsley, a chopped onion, and sweet herbs. Add half a cupful of white wine and enough stock...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 12
Swedish Salmon Croquettes Cook one cupful of white stock with a tablespoonful of butter, the yolks of two eggs, and parsley, pepper and salt, and grated onion to season. Add a can of flaked salmon an...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 13
Fricasseed Salmon Reheat a can of flaked salmon in a cupful of Drawn-Butter Sauce, adding half a cupful of cream, and salt, red and white pepper to season. Take from the fire, add one egg, well beate...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 14
Devilled Salmon Prepare Creamed Salmon according to directions given for Baked Creamed Salmon, adding half a cupful of Worcestershire Sauce and the juice of a lemon. Fill individual dishes or a large...
-One Hundred And Thirty Ways To Cook Salmon. Part 15
Smoked Salmon Cut it into thin slices, warm it up in a little olive-oil, strain the oil when it is warmed, add to it lemon-juice and minced parsley, pour over the fish, and serve. Broiled Kippered...
-Fourteen Ways To Cook Salmon-Trout
Fried Salmon-Trout Cutlets Cut cutlets from a large salmon-trout, dip in seasoned crumbs, and saute in hot fat. Serve with Cream Sauce. Boiled Salmon-Trout - I Wrap the prepared and cleaned fish ...
-Twenty Ways To Cook Sardines
Broiled Sardines - I Broil a dozen large sardines on a double broiler. Lay on fingers of toast, garnish with lemon, and serve with Maitre d'Hotel Sauce. Broiled Sardines - II Drain the fish and b...
-Twenty Ways To Cook Sardines. Continued
Sardines A La Maitre D'Hote Skin large sardines, arrange on fingers of buttered toast, and heat in the oven. Add to one cupful of Cream Sauce a tablespoonful of grated onion, a teaspoonful of minced ...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad
Broiled Shad - I Prepare and clean the fish, split, and remove the backbone. Season with salt and pepper, dip in oil, broil carefully, and serve with Maitre d'Hotel Sauce. Broiled Shad - II Marin...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 2
Cold Boiled Shad Boil a cleaned shad in salted and acidulated water or in court-bouillon. Serve very cold with Tartar Sauce. Boiled Shad A La Virginia Chop together an onion, a carrot, and a stal...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 3
Baked Shad - VI Leave the head on. Make a stuffing of bread-crumbs, cold ham or bacon minced fine, sweet marjoram, pepper, salt, mace or ground cloves and a raw egg, or two if necessary, to bind. Put...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 4
Baked Shad A La Carolina Clean a large roe shad, leaving the head on, take out the backbone and stuff with the boiled roe chopped, six chopped hard-boiled eggs, half a cupful of bread-crumbs, a chopp...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 5
Roasted Shad Marinate the cleaned fish for an hour in oil and lemon-juice, seasoning with salt, pepper, minced parsley, and thyme. Drain, wrap in oiled paper, fastening securely, and bake carefully. ...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 6
Creamed Shad Cook together a tablespoonful each of butter and flour, add two cupfuls of milk and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Add a teaspoonful of grated onion, take from the fire and add t...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 7
Shad Roe Saute Plunge a large shad roe into boiling water, then into cold water, drain, and saute until brown in butter. Add a tablespoonful of butter to a cupful of cream, bring to the boil, season ...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 8
Shad Roe Baked In Tomato Sauce Boil the roe, drain, cool, and skin. Cook together for ten minutes one cupful of canned tomatoes, one cupful of stock or water, a slice of onion, and salt and pepper to...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 9
Shad Roe Croquettes - III Boil the roe, cool, skin, and mash fine. Cook together one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour, and add one-half cupful of cream and one-half cupful of stock. Cook unti...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 10
Shad Roe A La Baltimore Put two or three roes into a well-buttered baking-dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add a cupful and a half of stock, and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Cover and cook in th...
-Ninety-Five Ways To Cook Shad. Part 11
Shad Roes With Brown Butter Sauce Boil the roes slowly in salted and acidulated water, drain, and pour over half a cupful of butter melted and browned, and mixed with a tablespoonful of vinegar. S...
-Sixteen Ways To Cook Sheepshead
Boiled Sheepshead Clean and salt the fish and soak in cold water for an hour. Drain, wipe dry, and cut several deep gashes across both sides. Put the fish on the drainer of the fish-kettle, pour the ...
-Sixteen Ways To Cook Sheepshead. Continued
Sheepshead A La Caroline Clean a sheepshead, cut off the fins and score to the bone on each side. Put into a buttered baking-pan with two tablespoonfuls of butter, a bunch of parsley, a small chopped...
-Nine Ways To Cook Skate
Fried Skate Prepare and clean the fish and cut into suitable pieces for serving. Dip in flour, then in egg, then in crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve with any preferred sauce. Boiled Skate Prepa...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts
Broiled Smelts - I Dip prepared smelts in lemon-juice and seasoned melted butter, then in flour; broil in a double-broiler, and serve with Remoulade Sauce. Broiled Smelts - II Draw and clean larg...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 2
Baked Smelts A La Manton Prepare according to directions given for Baked Smelts a la Duxelles, omitting the chopped onion and the wine from the sauce. Sprinkle with crumbs and grated Parmesan cheese,...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 3
Stuffed Smelts A L'Ltalienn Prepare, clean, and split the smelts, stuff with seasoned crumbs, and arrange in a buttered baking-dish, cover with Italian Sauce, and bake. Squeeze lemon-juice over and s...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 4
Boiled Smelts Cook smelts in salted and acidulated water, or in court bouillon, drain and serve with Tartar Sauce. Smelts With Mayonnaise Dip the cleaned fish into beaten egg, then into crumbs, a...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 5
Baked Fillets Of Sole - II Put the prepared fillets in a buttered baking-dish, sprinkling with chopped onion, parsley, and mushrooms, and seasoning with salt and pepper. Add a tablespoonful of butter...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 6
Fried Sole A La Colbert - II Select six small soles, cut off their heads, and make an incision down the back-bone. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon-juice, dip in egg and crumbs, fry in hot fat, dr...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 7
Fillets Of Sole A La Joinville Season the prepared fillets with salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg, and put into a buttered baking-pan with a tablespoonful of butter and half a cupful of white wine. Cov...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 8
Sole A La Normandy - III Put the fillets from three soles in a buttered saucepan with half a wineglassful of white wine, three tablespoonfuls of mushroom liquor, and salt and pepper to season. Cover ...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 9
Fillets Of Sole A La Venitienne - I Put the prepared fillets into a buttered pan with salt, pepper, nutmeg, a chopped onion, and half a cupful of white wine. Cover and cook for ten minutes. Add two c...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 10
Fillets Of Sole In Cases Fry in butter one cupful of chopped mushrooms, two tablespoonfuls of chopped onion, and one tablespoonful of minced parsley, seasoning with pepper and salt. Cut the soles in ...
-Thirty-Five Ways To Cook Smelts. Part 11
Stuffed Fillets Of Sole Wind long, thin, narrow fillets of sole around small carrots to keep their shape, fastening with tooth-picks. Simmer the trimmings of the fish for half an hour in two cup-fuls...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Sturgeon
Boiled Sturgeon - I Cover a cut of sturgeon with salted and acidulated water. Add an onion, six cloves, a slice of carrot, three bay-leaves, a small bunch of parsley, and a cupful of wine. Simmer slo...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Sturgeon. Part 2
Baked Sturgeon - IV Skin a six-pound cut of sturgeon, soak in salted water for an hour, drain, and parboil in fresh water. Make a stuffing of breadcrumbs, chopped salt pork, sweet herbs, and enough m...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Sturgeon. Part 3
Sturgeon A La Russe Soak two pounds of sturgeon in salted water to cover for ten or twelve hours. Drain and marinate in vinegar for an hour. Put it into a fish-kettle with boiling water to cover, add...
-Fifty Ways To Cook Trout
Broiled Trout - I Clean and split the fish and let stand for an hour in melted butter, seasoned with salt, pepper, and sweet herbs. Sprinkle with crumbs, broil, squeeze lemon-juice over, then serve. ...
-Fifty Ways To Cook Trout. Part 2
Fried Trout With Mushroom Sauce Dip slices of sea-trout in beaten egg, then in seasoned crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve with the sauce given in the recipe for Baked Trout with Mushroom Sauce. T...
-Fifty Ways To Cook Trout. Part 3
Baked Trout With White Wine - I Put the cleaned fish in a small buttered baking-pan with white wine to moisten, and salt and pepper to season. Cover with buttered paper and bake, basting with the liq...
-Fifty Ways To Cook Trout. Part 4
Trout Baked In Papers Stuff trout with seasoned crumbs, cover each one with a thin slice of salt pork, and wrap in buttered paper, fastening the papers securely; bake and serve in the papers. Broo...
-Fifty Ways To Cook Trout. Part 5
Trout A La Royale Stuff a large trout with seasoned crumbs, and cover it with Claret, adding mushrooms, parsley, chopped onion, thyme, a bay-leaf, pepper-corns, and mace to season. Drain the fish and...
-Fifteen Ways To Cook Turbot
Boiled Turbot Wash the fish carefully and soak it for an hour in salted water, drain, and rinse in fresh water. With a sharp knife score the black skin in a straight line from head to tail. Boil the ...
-Five Ways To Cook Weakfish
Fried Weakfish Clean, wash, wipe dry, dip in milk, roll in flour, fry in hot fat to cover, and serve with any preferred sauce. Baked Weakfish - I Arrange the fish on a buttered baking-dish with m...
-Four Ways To Cook Whitebait
Fried Whitebait - I Heat together one cupful of lard and one cupful of olive-oil. Sprinkle the whitebait thickly with seasoned flour and shake free of all that does not adhere readily. Fry quickly in...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Whitefish
Boiled Whitefish Boil a large whitefish in salted and acidulated water, adding a bunch of parsley and a sliced onion to the water. Drain, and serve with any preferred sauce. Boiled Whitefish A La ...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Whitefish. Part 2
Baked Whitefish A La Bordeaux Stuff a large whitefish with seasoned crumbs, put into a buttered baking-pan, rub with butter, dredge with seasoned flour, add one cupful of Claret, and bake. Take up th...
-Twenty-Five Ways To Cook Whitefish. Part 3
Whitefish A La Point Shirley Clean, split, and bone the fish, and put into a buttered baking-pan, skin-side down. Season with salt, red pepper, and lemon-juice, add enough boiling water to keep from ...
-Right Ways To Cook Whiting
Broiled Whitings Trim the fish and score on both sides, dip in oil, broil, and serve with Maitre d'H6tel Sauce. Boiled Whitings Clean and trim the fish, boil in salted water, drain, and serve wit...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes
Baked Fish Prepare a Cream Sauce, seasoning with grated onion, minced parsley, and powdered mace. Take from the fire, add the yolks of two eggs, and salt and pepper to taste. Put a layer of cold cook...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 2
Bouillabaisse - II Put into a saucepan about four pounds of different varieties of fish, including one lobster. The fish should be cleaned and cut into small square pieces; the lobster should be cut ...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 3
Coquilles Of Fish Flake cold boiled fish and mix it with Cream Sauce. Season with anchovy essence, salt and pepper, then fill buttered shells with the mixture, cover with fried crumbs, heat thoroughl...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 4
Fish Croquettes - II Prepare a very thick Cream Sauce and mix it with twice as much cold cooked fish flaked fine. Season to taste and cool. Add breadcrumbs or an egg, or both, if the mixture is not s...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 5
Escalloped Fish - II Fill a buttered baking-dish half full of cold cooked flaked fish seasoned to taste. Cover with Cream Sauce, seasoned with grated onion, chopped celery, minced parsley, and clove....
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 6
Pish Hash Cut salt pork into dice, fry crisp, and skim out the pork. Mix together equal parts of cold cooked flaked fish and cooked potatoes, cut small. Season to taste and cook slowly in the pork fa...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 7
Cream Lemon Fish Boil the sliced fish until tender, in enough water to cover, to which a lump of butter, half a cupful of vinegar, and salt and pepper have been added. Beat the yolks of two eggs and ...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 8
Mould Of Fish Line a buttered mould with seasoned mashed potato and fill the centre with alternate layers of Creamed Fish and sliced hard-boiled eggs. Cover with the potato and steam or bake. Turn ou...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 9
Pickled Fish - II Cut any firm-fleshed fish into small pieces, dredge with seasoned flour, and fry brown in butter. Cover with boiling water to which half a cupful of vinegar has been added. Add a ch...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 10
Fish A La Reine - I Mix one pound of cold cooked flaked fish with Cream Sauce, seasoning with salt, pepper, and minced parsley. Add three chopped mushrooms and the yolk of one egg well-beaten and reh...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 11
Stewed Or Sharp Fish Put in a fish-kettle on the stove one tablespoonful of fresh butter, when melted add half an onion cut fine, a tiny piece of garlic, cut fine; let brown, then add a tablespoonful...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 12
Fish Timbales Pound in a mortar one pound of fresh raw fish and press through a puree sieve. To every cupful of fish pulp add a tablespoonful of bread-crumbs soaked until soft in cream. Add also the ...
-One Hundred Miscellaneous Fish Recipes. Part 13
Fish Turbot Reheat any kind of cold cooked fish in a Cream Sauce, adding the beaten yolk of an egg to the sauce. Put into a buttered baking-dish, cover with crumbs, dot with butter, sprinkle with gra...
-A Selection from the Catalogue of G. P. Putnam's Sons
Complete Catalogues sent on application No more unique or welcome gift for a brain fagged housewife can be imagined than this little series of handbooks in their quaint plaid gingham covers, comprisi...

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