White Mountain Cake

1 cupful butter.

2 cupfuls sugar.

2 eggs (beaten light).

1 cupful milk.

1 teaspoonful soda dissolved.

2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar.

3 1/2cupfuls flour.

Mix in this order. Beat hard. Bake in jelly-cake tins, for ten minutes in a hot oven. Before it becomes entirely cold, spread each layer with frosting ("Isinglass Frosting" is nicest for this), and cover the top with frostins;. Eat fresh.

Makes two loaves, of four layers each.

To vary this, use two kinds of "Fancy Frosting"; one with nuts, and one with chopped raisins.

Lemon Layer Cake

Make like "Orange Cake No. 2," substituting a lemon for the orange, and using "Lemon Filling." Or bake like "White Cake," split into three sheets when cold, and fill with " Lemon Filling No. 2." The latter makes a very pretty looking cake.

Cocoanut Cake

2 cupfuls sugar. 1/2 cupful butter.

2 eggs (beaten light).

1 cupful milk.

3 cupfuls flour. 2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder.

Mix in order. Bake like " Plain Jelly-Cake." Spread each layer with "Cocoanut Filling."

Variety Cake

Make White or Snow Cake. Bake in layers as for jelly-cake; spread the layers with pink frosting. Or color part of the batter pink, with a little red preservesyrup, and pile the pink and white layers alternately, putting plain frosting between and on top.

Charlotte Russe Cake

Make "Quick Sponge Cake." Bake it as Jelly-Cake, and spread each layer when cold with the following 1 cupful rich cream.

1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

1/4 cupful pulverized sugar.

Beat all together till smooth. Sift powdered sugar over the top of the cake. Eat fresh. Makes three layers.

Marble Layer Cake

2 cupfuls sugar, 2/3 cupful butter.

3 eggs.

1 cupful milk.

3 cupfuls flour. l 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder.

Mix in order. Bake half the mixture in two jelly-cake pans. To the remainder add 1 cupful raisins (chopped). 1 tablespoonful flour. 1 teaspoonful cinnamon.

1 teaspoonful cloves. A little grated nutmeg. 1 tablespoonful molasses.

Bake this in two pans. Spread the layers with frosting (or jelly) and pile up alternately.

Lincoln Cake

2 cupfuls sugar. 1/2 cupful butter.

3 eggs (beaten light).

1 cupful milk.

3 cupfuls flour. 3 teaspoonfuls baking-p o wder. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Mix in order, and beat a long time. Bake in a moderate oven about three quarters of an hour. Two large loaves.

1, 2, 3, 4 Cake

1 cupful butter. 2 cupfuls sugar.

4 eggs, beaten light. 1 cupful milk. 1 teaspoonful soda.

2 teaspoonfuls cream of tartar. 3 cupfuls flour. 1/2 lemon, juice only (may be omitted).

Mix in order, substituting any flavoring you wish for the lemon. Bake in a moderately hot oven about twenty-five minutes. Makes two medium-sized loaves. (To make it rich, leave out part of the milk.)