This section is from the book "How To Cook Well", by J. Rosalie Benton. Also available from Amazon: How To Cook Well.
Prepare as for "Raw Cucumbers," but slice thick. Take out the seeds; put into enough boiling water to cover them, and stew fifteen minutes. Then drain off the water. Add enough fresh boiling water to keep them from burning When this boils, add a cupful of milk, in which ond teaspoonful of flour has been dissolved. Sprinkle with pepper and salt, and add a lump of butter. Stir as it boils up. If not thick enough, dredge in more flour. Serve in a covered dish. It is said that stewed cucumbers will hurt no one.
Keep the cucumbers on ice till wanted. Peel them, and slice thin, beginning at the blossom end, or else they will be bitter. Pour over them a little vinegar, with a sprinkling of salt and pepper and set on ice till the last moment before serving. Some slice with them a raw onion.
Take large cucumbers just ripe, but not old. Pare them, cut into thick slices (half an inch). Scrape out the seeds if large. Lay them in ice-water for half an hour. Then wipe each piece dry. Dredge with flour, and lay in a hot frying-pan in which is a large tablespoonful of beef-dripping or lard. Fry slowly at first, so that they will be done through. At the end of half an hour, pepper and salt them and turn them. Increase the heat, pepper and salt the other side, and fry fifteen minutes longer, till tender enough to pierce with a straw. If there is danger of burning add more grease while cooking.
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