Orange Baskets, With Jelly

1/2 box gelatine.

1/2 cupful cold water.

1 cupful boiling water.

1 pint orange-juice.

1 large lemon. 1 cupful sugar.

"Whipped Cream" (may be omitted).

Before you cut the oranges (eight usually make one pint of juice) mark with a pen-knife two lines, over one half, for a handle; then mark on each side, a line between the two ends of the handle. Remove the peel between these marks. This will leave the peel shaped like a basket.

Take out the pulp carefully. Put it into a bag with the cut-off rind and the lemon sliced. Squeeze, adding more oranges if necessary to make a pint of juice. Dissolve the sugar in the juice. Do all this while the gelatine is soaking on the stove where it will not boil. It may be left for half or three quarters of an hour. Then dissolve it in the boiling water. Pour it upon the juice and sugar. Strain it, and pour it into wet dishes to stiffen. When firm, and just before serving, break it into rough pieces and fill the baskets high.

If you wish to make them look very attractive, heap "Whipped Cream" on the jelly. In either case, set the baskets on a platter covered with leaves or flowers; or prettier still, bunches of grapes.

Beautiful for a company supper-table.

Lemon Jelly

1/2 box Cox's gelatine. 1/2 cupful cold water. 1/2 cupful boiling water.

2 large lemons (juice only). 1 large cupful sugar. 1 pint cold water.

Soak and dissolve the gelatine. When a little cool, add the juice of the lemons, sugar and the pint of cold water. Stir till the sugar is dissolved. Strain it and pour into wet moulds.

Lemon Jelly Of Sea Moss

1/2 cupful sea moss.

1 quart water (nearly).

1 large lemon (juice only). Sugar to taste.

Soak the sea moss in the water for half an hour. Then put it on to boil for twenty minutes, without adding more water. (Notice the time when it begins to boil.) Strain it through a cloth laid over a sieve, without squeezing it at all. Add the lemon-juice, sweeten it, and pour into wet moulds. It will become stiff as soon as cold.

Very delicate, and much relished by invalids.

Fruit Jelly. (An Ornamental Dish To Serve With Meats.)

Make "Lemon Jelly." Put a little in a wet mould, and set the rest in a pan of hot water to keep it liquid. When that in the mould begins to stiffen lay in a few strawberries with the hulls on, a few cherries in bunches with the stems, and anything else you like. Pour in more jelly, and proceed as before. Set away to become firm.

Jelly With Bananas

Make "Lemon or Wine Jelly," and proceed as above, using only bananas cut around in slices. Serve for dessert.

Coffee Jelly

1/2 box Cox's gelatine. 1/2 cupful cold water.

1 quart strong, clear coffee. Sugar to taste.

Soak the gelatine in the cold water. Make a quart of strong coffee, and strain it. Make it very sweet. Set it on the fire, to become boiling hot; then pour it at once on the gelatine. Put it into wet moulds to stiffen, and then turn out.

Another way is, to pour it into a square pan, and when stiff, cut it into cubes an inch square, and heap in a glass dish. This is a very pretty way to serve it with ice-cream, and makes a dainty dessert, served with cream alone.

If for an invalid, do not make the coffee very strong.