Stuffing. (For Turkey, Chicken, Veal, Lamb, Or Fish.)

Soak in boiling water, and squeeze pieces of stale bread or dried crumbs. Then mix together thoroughly the fol lowing, putting in the butter while the bread is still hot:

1 pint soaked bread. 1 Butter size of an egg.

1 3/4 tablespoonfuls summer sa-vory.

1 tablespoonful thyme.

3/4 tablespoonful sweet marjoram. 2 teaspoonfuls salt. 1 teaspoonful pepper.

Taste to make sure that the seasoning is right, as herbs vary in strength. Add a beaten egg if you like. This amount will fill one turkey.

No 2. Chop fine, bread a day old. Moisten with milk or water, season as above, and add the yolk of one egg, beaten light. (May be omitted.)

Chopped celery or parsley is an improvement to either of these; and a little minced salt pork may be substituted for butter.

Stuffing is best when it crumbles readily. Use a teaspoon in filling the fowl, so as not to smear the outside.

Cracker Stuffing

(For Poultry.)

Make like the above; but use instead of bread one cupful powdered cracker (it swells more than bread). It must be moistened with milk, and an egg is necessary.

Oyster Stuffing. (For Turkey And Chicken.)

Make "Stuffing" with chopped bread. Moisten with oyster liquor, and add about one dozen oysters, chopped. "Stewed or Escaloped Oysters" "left over" may be added to ordinary stuffing.

A delicate flavor of oysters (a soupcon) can be given by wetting the bread with oyster liquor, which is sometimes not needed when cooking oysters. Of course this would not be called Oyster Stuffing, for there are no oysters in it, but it is very nice.

Chestnut Stuffing. (For Turkey And Chickens.)

Put one pint chestnuts in a pan on the stove. When the skins burst, shell them, and boil in salted water. Add them to ordinary stuffing, reserving a few to put in the gravy.

Stuffing For Ducks Or Geese

Make "Stuffing," but substitute sage for the thyme and sweet marjoram, and add one small onion, minced. Two grated apples may also be added, for a change.

Apple And Potato Stuffing

(For Ducks or Geese.)

1/2 pound stewed apples. 1/2 an onion, minced. A little salt.

A dash cayenne pepper. A. little sage. Mashed potato.

Do not use sweetened apples, but the pulp of baked apples will do. Mix all together, using enough potato to give it a good consistency.

Good stuffing can be made like this with bread crumbs instead of potato.

Browned Flour. (For Gravy.)

Put one quart flour into a pan in the oven (not very hot), and stir it often till the whole is a delicate brown. Keep it in a wide-mouthed glass bottle and shake it every few days to prevent lumping. Do not bottle it till cold.

How To Make Gravy

To make gravy free from grease is one of the most important branches of cookery, as well as the most troublesome to beginners.

Keep on hand a little "stock," or water in which meat has been boiled; even the ragged edges and bones of steak or chops boiled and strained make a foundation for gravy. Having skimmed off the fat when cold, heat to boiling. Season and "Thicken" with "Browned Flour." Then strain; this is always important.