Boiled Fish

Boiled Flounders

Lay the fish in a kettle, with salt and water in the proportion of six ounces of salt to each gallon, and a little vinegar. Let the water boil a minute or so, then remove it to the side to simmer till done. The fish must not boil fast, or they will break. They should simmer fifteen minutes. Hazel.

Boiled Halibut

Purchase a thick slice cut through the body, or the tail piece, which is considered the richest. Wrap it in a floured cloth and lay it in warm water with salt in it. A piece weighing six pounds should be cooked in half an hour after the water begins to boil. Melted butter and parsley are eaten with it. If any is left, lay it in a deep dish and sprinkle on it a little salt, throw over it a dozen cloves, pour in some vinegar, and it will, when cold, have much the flavor of lobster. Mrs. Sarah Todd.

Boiled Sturgeon

Cut the fish into thin slices like veal cutlets, rub them over with butter and sprinkle with pepper. Serve very hot with lemon garnish. Cut off the skin before the fish is boiled, as the oil in the skin if burned imparts a very rank flavor. M. V. H.

Broiled Sardines

These tiny fish are very nice when broiled over hot coals a minute or so, turning them once. Large slices of toast must be ready; on each slice place two of the fish, and then pour a little of the oil which was left in the can. The oil must be hot. Inez Heffel.

Fish And Shell Fish.

Fish And Shell Fish.

1. Deviled Craos. (New Jersey Recipe).

2. Baked White Fish. (Mackinac Recipe).

3. Florida Lemoons with Dressing. (Excellent Appetizer).

4. Mrs. Winter's Fish Sauce. (See Page 418).

5. Mrs. Baldwin's Delicious Fish Balls. (See Page 84).

Fried Fish

Fried Bass With Bacon

Carefully clean the required number of bass, season well with pepper and salt, roll in flour, then drop into a pan of very hot lard or Ko-nut and fry a golden brown. Fry in a separate pan some slices of bacon; one piece for each piece of the fish and lay on the fish. Garnish with parsley.

A. M. C.

Fish Steaks Fried

Cut the slices of fresh fish three-quarters of an inch thick, dredge with flour or corn-meal slightly salted or dip them in egg slightly salted and roll in crumbs; fry a light brown. Salmon or any other large fish can be fried this way. A. M. Dickerson.

Fried Perch

After washing and scaling the fish wipe them dry, flour them lightly all over; rub off the flour, dip them into beaten egg, and then into finely-grated bread-crumbs, and fry them in plenty of boiling fat, until they are nicely browned. Drain a few minutes on an inverted sieve, serve on a hot dish, and garnish with parsley. Send shrimp sauce, anchovy sauce, or plain melted butter, to table in a tureen. Mrs. Eliza Pray.

Fried Smelts

These delicate little fish cannot be opened as can larger fish. Cut off the head and pull the insides through the gills. Wash and dry in a cloth, then roll them in flour or bread-crumbs three or four times till they are well covered. Drop them into boiling fat and fry both sides to a golden brown. It takes about ten minutes to cook them. Take them from the pan with a skimmer, and lay them on a platter, garnishing with parsley.

Mrs. A. R. G.

Fish Cakes

Save the fish left from dinner and use while warm. Remove the skin and bones, and mix with mashed potatoes. Add pepper, salt, chopped parsley, and an ounce of butter. Moisten with an egg into a paste, and roll into balls; then flatten and dip into egg. Fry in butter or lard to a nice brown. E. Protis.

Fish Cakes - No. 2

Four medium-sized potatoes, one and one-third cups of shredded codfish, one and one-half tablespoonfuls Ko-nut, one egg; sprinkle pepper. Pare, quarter and boil the potatoes. Measure the fish and soak in cold water ten minutes to draw out the salt and press it in a fine strainer. When the potatoes are soft, add the fish, and stir the mixture over the fire to dry it. Add the seasoning, butter and beaten egg, and mash all together. Roll into round cakes and fry in deep hot Ko-nut. Drain them on clean brown paper and serve hot. C. A. S.

Baked Fish

Baked Haddock

Scale and clean a three-pound fish; fill with forcemeat and sew up; sprinkle over a generous supply of salt and bread-crumbs; put three even tablespoonfuls of butter in tiny pieces on the fish; bake three-quarters of an hour, basting frequently. I. H. B.

Baked Pickerel With Oyster Sauce

Scale, clean and wipe the fish leaving on the head and tail. Lay it on a buttered pan, dredge with salt and pepper, spread with soft butter and dredge with flour. Put in a hot oven, and when the flour begins to brown, baste with butter and water. Bake forty minutes, and serve with oyster sauce.

Oyster Sauce

Parboil a half-pint of medium-sized oysters, drain off the liquor and add enough milk to make a generous pint of sauce. Cook one rounded tablespoonful each of butter and corn-starch in a saucepan and when well mixed stir in milk mixture. When smooth add one-half a cup of cream. Stir in the oysters, season, and serve hot.

Mrs. Wm. Brown.

Baked Fish With Oyster Dressing

Take fine fish, soak in salt water ten minutes; season with salt and pepper slightly and fill with as much of the following dressing as possible; tie with string; roast, basting often.


Pint of oysters, one-half teacupful of coarse rolled crackers, one-half cup of sweet milk, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teaspoonful black pepper, a pinch of cayenne, one-fourth teaspoonful celery salt, tiny pieces of butter; mix very carefully; spread dressing on top also. Delicious. Mrs. T. Spofford.

Baked Bass

Make a filling of pounded cracker or crumbs of bread, an egg, pepper, clove, salt and butter. Fill it very full, an when sewed up, grate over it a small nutmeg and sprinkle it with pounded cracker. Then pour on the white of an egg, and a little melted butter. Bake it an hour in the same dish in which it is to be served. Portland House, Me.