This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
One cupful of bread-crumbs, two cupfuls of chopped tart apples, one-half cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of cinnamon and two tablespoonfuls of butter, cut into small pieces. Butter a deep dish and put a layer of the chopped apple at the bottom; sprinkle with sugar, a few bits of butter and cinnamon; cover with bread-crumbs, then with more apple. Proceed in this order until the dish is full, having a layer of crumbs at the top. Cover closely and steam three-quarters of an hour in a moderate oven; then uncover and brown quickly. Eat warm with sugar and cream or sweet sauce. Serve in the dish in which it is baked.
Mrs. Eliza Pousland.
To one-third cupful of bread-crumbs, soaked in three cupfuls of milk until soft, add two-thirds of a cupful of apples chopped finely. Add one-half tumbler of sugar, one egg broken into the mixture, one teaspoonful of butter and a little nutmeg. Stir thoroughly and bake like a custard.
Eliza Thompson.
One quart of sweet milk, one pint of bread-crumbs, one cupful of sugar, a lump of butter the size of an egg, yolks of four eggs, grated rind of a lemon; bake one-half hour, then take the whites of the eggs, one cupful of sugar and the juice of the lemon. Beat the whites until stiff add the sugar and lemon juice, spread it on the pudding, place in the oven and brown. Mrs. C. Fay.
Put one quart of milk into a double boiler; stir into it one heaping tablespoonful of sifted flour that has been stirred to a cream with a little of the milk. When cooked, take from the fire and let cool. Have ready one pound of sweet almonds blanched and pounded. Stir into the milk; add a pinch of salt, one-third cupful of sugar, flavoring and two well-beaten eggs, the yolks and whites beaten separately. Put bits of butter over the top. Bake one hour. Emily Goodwin.
Take four good-sized oranges, peel, seed and cut into small pieces. Add one cupful of sugar and let it stand. Into one quart of nearly boiling milk, stir two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch mixed with a little water and the yolks of three eggs. When it is done let it cool and then mix with the orange. Make a frosting of the whites of the eggs and one-half cupful of sugar. Spread it over the top of the pudding and place the whole for a few minutes in the oven to brown. Hattie Marchant.
Five cupfuls of sifted flour and two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking-powder sifted well together, add one-half cupful of chopped suet or butter, one-half pound of currants and a pinch of salt. Wash and dry the currants, chop the suet fine; mix all the ingredients together and moisten with sufficient milk to make the pudding into a stiff batter; tie it up in a floured bag leaving sufficient room for it to swell; put it into boiling water and boil for three and one-half hours. Serve with hard sauce.
Mrs. Henry Bower.
One cupful each of molasses, bread-crumbs, water, flour and currants. Also one egg beaten, three level teaspoonfuls of melted butter, one tea-spoonful of soda, a pinch of salt and a little cinnamon. Mix all together lightly, and pour into a tin pail with cover. - Steam two hours. Eat with cream and sugar or any kind of pudding sauce preferred.
Mrs. O. T. Learned.
Huckleberry pudding is quite an institution at our house. Make a crust of flour and nice beef suet, about three-quarters of a pound of the suet after it is shredded and chopped fine to one quart of sifted flour. A little salt is added, and it is wet to a paste with very cold water. Then roll the crust out quite thin, lay berries - a goodly quantity of them - on, bringing the edges of the crust together, lapping and pinching them so that the berries do not escape. Tie the pudding up in a cloth and boil till done. Then remove the pudding from the cloth and lay it on a platter. Cut a square hole and pour in a coffee-cupful of syrup, replace the piece of crust and bring the pudding to the table. Syrup for sweetening is better than sugar, because it makes it juicier. Use a plain sauce with this pudding, made of a very little sugar, flour, butter and water, flavored with a teacupful of huckleberries crushed. Let come to a boil.
Agnes Kent.
These puddings are light and nice. Chop suet enough to make one and one-half cupfuls, stone one and one-half cupfuls of raisins. (Some like less fruit). Take two cupfuls of sweet milk, one cupful of molasses, three and one-half cupfuls of flour; chop the suet and raisins together and mix the whole, adding one teaspoonful of soda. Steam two hours.
Bertha Gulle.
One teacupful each of molasses, water, suet (chopped fine) and seeded raisins, one-half teaspoonful of salt, three and one-half teacupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and allspice, a pinch of cloves, one-half teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in the molasses; steam three hours.
One teacupful of sugar, three-quarters teacupful of butter; mix to a cream, add one egg, the juice of one-half of a lemon and one pint of boiling water; cook five minutes. Miss Gilmore.
Cover one-half cupful of tapioca with cold water and let soak three hours. Drain off the water and place in double boiler. Cover with boiling water and cook until clear. Then add the juice of two lemons, one cupful of sugar, one-half pint of grated pineapple and remove from the fire. Stir in the whites of two eggs, beaten stiff. Serve cold with cream.
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