This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
To one well-beaten egg add two cupfuls of graham flour, one cupful of wheat, one cupful of molasses, a little salt and enough sour milk to which has been added soda to mix the ingredients to a stiff batter. Pour into a medium-sized buttered pan and steam two and one-half hours or longer, according to the size of the loaf. Mrs. Marselus.
The ingredients are: one coffee-cupful of graham flour, one coffee-cupful of yellow corn-meal, one coffee-cupful of white flour. Sift them together, sift into the flour one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of soda; one-half of a teacupful of sugar, three-quarters of a cupful of molasses (not syrup), two cupfuls of sour milk. Put all in a lard pail, cover tight, set in a kettle of boiling water. It must boil steadily for two and one-half hours. A. H. Duffell.
Take three pints of rye-meal and add to the same amount of corn-meal. The yellow meal is preferable to the white. When meal is fresh do not scald it, but when it is old, or a little bitter, do so. When any squash is left over add a few spoonfuls to the meal. Use one-half of a teacupful of molasses, two teaspoonfuls of salt, and one teaspoonful of soda with one-half of a teacupful of yeast. Mix it with warm water as stiff as you can stir it. Butter two iron pans plentifully and put the bread in them. Have a bowl of cold water at hand, and smooth over the top of the loaves, dipping your hand in the water. It rises very quickly, and should never be made over night in the summer. In the winter it may stand in a cool place, till nearly ready to bake. It wants a hot oven, and very long baking. A brick oven is the best, and then the loaves should remain in overnight. Agnes Kent.
To one quart of corn-meal add a pinch of salt, one rounding teaspoonful of soda, one-half of a teacupful of flour, two or three eggs and some sour milk, enough to make a batter. Mrs. Lina Hunter.
Add to a quart of buttermilk one-half of a cup of yeast; set in a warm place over night. In the morning add one pint of dry breadcrumbs, one-half of a cupful of sugar, two eggs, a teaspoonful of soda, salt, and corn-meal enough to make a moderately stiff batter and stir well. Instead of baking steam this loaf, having for the purpose a tin pudding-form or bucket, with a close-fitting lid. Into this (well buttered) pour the batter in the morning. After standing an hour or two, and when perfectly light, place the bucket in a pot of boiling water, and steam it one and one-half or two hours. This will make a nice, light brown loaf.
M. J. Corliss.
Two and one-half cupfuls of sour milk, two cupfuls of corn-meal, one cupful of flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of soda, one tablespoonful of salt, two eggs. Put in cake-pan with a tube in center; steam three hours, closely covered, then put in oven to brown a little. Set pan in cold water a few minutes and it will turn out nicely.
G. D.
Take a quart of quite hot, but not scalding, water and dissolve in it one cake of compressed yeast, three tablespoonfuls of New Orleans molasses, two teaspooinfuls of salt and two tablespoonfuls of butter. When thoroughly dissolved add about eight cups of entire or whole-wheat flour, enough to make a good stiff dough, kneading it until it works clean from the hands. Set in a warm place to rise for about three hours, then work well and let it stand till light again, then work into four loaves and place in well-greased pans. Grease the top to prevent a crust forming, cover with a cloth and let stand till light - about one and one-half hours. Bake for thirty-five minutes in a moderately hot oven, not as hot as for white bread. This recipe makes most delicious bread - moist, light and tender.
The Grange Visitor.
Alvira Jones.
Take four heaping cupfuls of graham flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half of a eofCee-cupful of molasses, one heaping teaspoonful of saleratus. This last must be dissolved in a little hot water and stirred into the molasses until it foams well. Pour it on the meal, add enough milk to make the dough as stiff as cake mixture; put it into two pans and bake until done. Annie L. C.
One-half of a cupful of molasses, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in the molasses one pint of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of salt. Take sufficient flour to make a thick batter. This must steam two hours.
Elsie Rich.
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