This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
Mrs. Serah Chichester.
In a cup of new milk dissolve a piece of butter the size of a walnut and pour over a tablespoonful of bread-crumbs; let it soak, then add two eggs well beaten, and one-half of a pound of finely-grated cheese. Pour the mixture into a well-buttered mold and bake in a quick oven. Serve as hot as possible. E. J. A.
When there is a puff paste left after making pies and tarts roll it out lightly, and sprinkle over it grated cheese. Fold the paste in three, and sprinkle every fold with the cheese. Cut shapes out with an ordinary pastry-cutter, brush them over with the beaten yolk of an egg, and bake in a quick oven. W. T. M.
Cut a stale loaf of bread into slices one-quarter of an inch thick. Divide these into pieces two inches long, and one inch wide, and fry them in hot butter or oil till they are a bright golden color. Spread mustard thinly on each piece, lay over that some cheese, and put in a quick oven until the cheese is dissolved. Serve as hot as possible.
Mrs. Fanny Bell.
Cut cheese in slices about one-quarter of an inch thick and lay between slices of bread that are well buttered. The cheese can be grated and used in the same way, but in the latter case, it must be rubbed to a paste with butter. H. F. L.
Have ready one pound of rich cheese, grated. Rub the bottom of a dish with a piece of onion. Put in the cheese, add one tablespoonful of tomato catsup, one tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one-half table-spoonful of salt, four shakes of cayenne pepper and two level tablespoon-fuls of butter. Stir until it begins to melt, then add gradually four tablespoonfuls of ale or beer. When it is soft, smooth and creamy, pour it over toasted bread or toasted crackers. E. D. Wells.
Take one-quarter of a pound of fresh cheese, put it in a pan with a cup of milk and bring to a boil. Then add one-half of a teaspoonful of salt and one-half of a teaspoonful of dry mustard, a dash of pepper, butter the size of an egg. Roll three soda crackers fine, stir briskly a few minutes and turn into a heated dish. Nancy Crowell.
Mix two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese, two ounces of fresh butter, two ounces of flour, an ounce of creamery cheese, and the yolk of an egg into a stiff paste. Flavor the mixture with cayenne, salt and a little pounded mace. Roll this out thin, cut it into fingers about four inches long and one-half of an inch wide, bake them for a few minutes in a quick oven and serve cold. They should be piled on a dish in transverse rows. Nice for luncheons. Jane Hathaway.
Four eggs, one-quarter of a pound of cheese, one-quarter of a pound of butter. Grate the cheese and beat it well with the butter and yolks of the eggs. Season with salt and cayenne pepper. Whisk the whites to a stiff froth and stir in lightly. Bake in a deep dish for one-half hour.
Mrs. Susie Knight.
Six tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, two tablespoonfuls of butter, four eggs, one cup of milk with a teaspoonful of corn-starch stirred into it, salt and pepper to taste. Beat the eggs very light and pour upon them the heated milk (with a pinch of soda), having thickened with the corn-starch. While warm add butter, pepper, salt and cheese. Beat well and pour into greased custard cups. Bake in a quick oven about fifteen minutes or until high and brown. Serve at once, as a separate course, with bread and butter, after soup or before dessert. C. A. R.
Pieces of bread should be cut as if for the table, thinly buttered, and placed in a frying-pan. Sprinkle salt very lightly over them and add a thick layer of grated cheese. Then another layer of bread and salted cheese, and when the pan is full pour over a cup of good, rich milk. Cover closely and stand on the side of the stove where it will steam slowly for twenty minutes or one-half of an hour. Turn on a hot platter and serve at once. This is an excellent luncheon dish and deserves to become popular. B. O. C.
Take one-half of a pound of cheese, nine snow-flake crackers (pulverized) and one and one-half tablespoonfuls of butter. Put the butter into a baking-pan, then sprinkle one layer of crackers and one layer of grated cheese. Over this sprinkle one tablespoonful of sugar and a little salt and pepper. Continue the process with a layer of each (except butter, salt and pepper) until it is one and one-half inches thick; then add enough sweet milk to wet. Put in the oven and bake until sufficiently dry to cut in blocks two and one-half inches square. Serve hot on toast.
Nannie Jones.
Slip is bonny-clabber, without its acidity, and so delicate is its flavor that many like it as well as ice-cream. Prepare it thus: Make one quart of milk moderately warm, stir into it one dessert-spoonful of the preparation called rennet; set it away to cool; it will be then as stiff as jelly; make it only a few hours before using or it will be tough and watery; when possible set dish on ice after it has jellied. Serve with powdered sugar, nutmeg and cream. Prudence M. S.
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