Custard Pies

Custard Pie

Beat three eggs well, add one pint of milk, a little nutmeg grated, one-half cup of sugar and any flavor to suit, though vanilla is the best. There is a perforated pie plate made which is especially suited to custard pies, as the steam escapes and prevents the pie becoming soggy. The crust may be baked light brown before adding the custard. Pricking the dough before baking prevents blistering. Mrs. James Morrison.

Custard Pie - No. 2

Six eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, six tablespoonfuls of corn-starch or flour and three cups of milk; flavor to taste. This is sufficient for three pies; bake with one crust only.

Eunice Forshee.

Custard Tartlets

Line some patty pans with a good crust. Make a custard, flavor it nicely, and three-parts fill the pans with custard. Bake the tartlets in a gentle oven. Take them out, let them cool, and spread a little sugar icing over them. Strew a little more sugar on the top, and bake them in a gentle oven until the icing is crisp. If a richer tartlet is wanted, a little jam may be put over the custard. Time: about one-quarter of an hour to bake the tartlets. F. E. R.

Mince Pies

Four pounds of lean boiled beef when cold, chopped fine, twice as much of chopped green tart apples, one pound of chopped suet, three pounds of raisins, seeded, two pounds of currants picked over, washed and dried, one-half pound of citron, cut up fine, one pound of brown sugar, one quart of cooking molasses, two quarts of sweet cider, one pint of boiled cider, one tablespoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of pepper, one tablespoonful of mace, one tablespoonful of allspice and four tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two grated nutmegs, one tablespoonful of cloves; mix thoroughly and warm it on the range until heated through. Remove from the fire and when nearly cool, stir in a pint of good brandy and one pint of Madeira wine. Put into a crock, cover it tightly and set in a cold place where it will not freeze, but keep perfectly cold. Will keep good all winter. Chef de Cuisine, Astor House, N. Y.

Mock Mince Pie

Take two cupfuls of sugar, one cup of fine bread-crumbs, one cup of water, one-half cupful of vinegar, one-half pound of chopped raisins, a piece of butter the size of an egg, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and nutmeg. Make a good crust for it. Hattie King.

Mince Pies - No. 2

Take two pounds of beef, boil and chop it very fine; one-half pound of suet, chopped fine; six large apples, pared and chopped; two pounds of currants, one-half pint of wine, glass of rose-water; sugar and spice to your taste. C. A. B.

Mince Pies - No. 3

Select a nice shin of beef and boil down till very tender, add one pound of clear beef suet chopped very fine, a tablespoon of salt, six pounds of greening apples peeled, cored and chopped, three pounds of seedless raisins, three pounds of currants carefully cleaned, one pound of brown sugar, a cup of maple syrup, one-half pound of citron, shredded, one-half pound of candied lemon peel, one quart of the best cider. Instead of cider, some persons put in a quart of Madeira wine and a little brandy. I prefer the cider. Marion C. Howitt.

Egg Mince Meat (For Pies)

Take six hard-boiled eggs and shred them very fine; take double the quantity of beef suet and chop very small; wash one pound of currants and dry them; the peel of one large or two small lemons chopped up; six tablespoonfuls of vinegar, sweetened; a little mace, nutmeg and salt, with sugar to your taste; add one-quarter of a pound of candied orange and citron, cut into thin slices. Mix all well together and press it into a jar for use. Mrs. Maria Colby.


A French Tart

Pound eight macaroons fine; pour boiling milk over them to form a light batter, add six well-beaten eggs, sweeten, pour into a saucepan and stir over the fire until it thickens; add one-fourth of a cup of butter and the juice of one orange. Line a dish with pastry; add the mixture and bake twenty minutes. Just before serving, sift powdered sugar over it.

Mrs. Merinda Clay.


Small, round, heart-shaped or oblong shallow pans are required for tarts proper. Line with paste and bake; when cool fill with jam or preserve, or meringue. A few stars or leaves or strips of paste criss-crossed are placed on the top of fruit tarts. Dried fruit, stewed until thick, makes fine tarts; pineapple and chocolate cream fillings are fine.

Mary Manning.

Meringue Tarts

Take tarts of any preserved fruit and after beating the whites of two eggs to a froth mix very slowly with them one-quarter of a pound of sugar flavored with lemon or pineapple. Cover the tarts thick, about three-quarters of an inch deep, with this mixture, smoothing evenly on; set in the oven to brown slighlty and serve, either hot or cold.

Josephine LaRue.

Sand Tarts

Mix twelve ounces of butter, one pound of white sugar, two pounds of flour, one egg, three tablespoonfuls of cold water. Roll very thin and cut into squares or diamonds. Before baking wash the tops with the white of an egg. Sprinkle powdered loaf-sugar and cinnamon over them. Place four or five blanched almonds on each tart. Mrs. Jane Carnes.

Green Gooseberry Tart

Stem the gooseberries. Put into a porcelain kettle with enough water to prevent burning and stew slowly until they break. Take off, sweeten well. When cold pour into pastry shells and bake with a top crust of puff paste. Brush all over with beaten egg while hot, set back in the. oven to glaze for three minutes. To be eaten cold. The Household.

Gooseberry Puree For Pies And Tarts

Pick over four pounds of green gooseberries; boil them in one-half pint of water until they are soft, and rub them through a fine hair sieve; add one pound of sugar to every pound of berries, mix well, fill some bottles with this puree, cork, and tie the bottles with a string, and boil them in water twenty minutes. This is an excellent filling for pies, tarts and ices. Mrs. C. Lane.