Fish Croquettes

Mix over the fire a teaspoonful of flour, a tablespoon of butter, and half a gill of cream. Add, off the fire, the yolk of an egg, a little seasoning, and half a pound of cold dressed fish beaten to a paste. Let the mixture cool, and form it into balls, let these be egged and breaded. Fry to a nice brown in hot fat, and serve with gravy, made by boiling down the bones, fins, and tails with an onion. Add an anchovy and season to taste. Lura Earl.

Fish Croquettes - No. 2

Take remnants of boiled cod, salmon or turbot, and pick the flesh out carefully. Mince it moderately fine. Stir a piece of butter, a small spoon of flour and some milk over the fire till they thicken. Then add pepper, salt, and a little grated nutmeg, together with finely-chopped parsley, and then the minced fish. When very hot remove from the fire, turn on a dish to get cold, then shape, and finish the croquettes.

Adelaide Munson.

Fish Chowder

Delicious Fish Chowder

Two pounds of fresh white fish, a quarter of a pound of bacon, five small potatoes, one small onion, six tomatoes, one quart of milk, butter the size of a small hen's egg and a teaspoon of flour. Pick the fish to pieces. Remove bone and skin; cut potatoes into dice; the bacon in small pieces; rub the butter and flour to a cream. Spread in a granite kettle half of the potatoes, then half of the fish, then sprinkle in the minced onions, then the bacon, then half the tomatoes. Then a shake of salt and pepper; add the rest of the fish, tomatoes, potatoes, and more salt and pepper, using in all one teaspoon of salt and one-fourth teaspoon of pepper. Cover with water, let simmer for half an hour. Scald the milk, put a pinch of soda into the chowder and stir; add the hot milk to the butter and flour; stir smooth; then add to the chowder. Serve very hot. Excellent. Mira A. Miller.

Boston Fish Chowder

Take a large fish, as cod, haddock or halibut and cut in slices, after having scaled and cleaned it. Then cut some slices of raw salt pork (pickled) and place them in the bottom of your iron kettle. When partly tried out, put on top of the pork a layer of fish, then a layer of onions, and one of potatoes, both sliced quite thin. Add to each layer a little salt and pepper. Add very hard crackers (pilot bread is nicest) to the whole, placing them on the sides and top, then add cold water to nearly cover them. After the water has commenced boiling, three-quarters of an hour is ample time to cook it. Be careful not to let it boil too long, or break the slices of fish, but preserve them as whole as possible.

Mrs. Lydia Floyd.


Fried Eels

Clean and cut the eels into pieces three inches in length, cover them in a saucepan with cold water, in which salt, pepper, thyme, onions and carrots sliced thin, and one-half of a glass of vinegar have been put. As soon as they boil take from the fire, and let them become cool. Then drain them and dry. Mix egg and bread-crumbs, beating the egg first, and dip each piece in. Fry them brown in drippings. Place them on a dish, and have a tartar sauce ready to serve with them. Mrs. Mamie Frye.

Broiled Eels

Skin and clean a good-sized eel; remove the backbone and cut the eel into five or six pieces. Dip each piece into egg and then into breadcrumbs which have been salted and peppered. Put on a greased gridiron with the skin downward, over a clear fire, and broil, turning over when done on one side. Put on a hot dish, garnish with parsley and serve with tartar sauce. E. H. Dougherty.

Stewed Eels

This is a favorite dish with many. Clean and skin three pounds of eels, and remove every vestige of fat from the inside. Chop an onion fine, four tablespoons of butter, season to taste, and chopped parsley. Cut the eels in pieces, about two inches in length; season, and lay in saucepan containing the melted butter. Strew the onion and parsley over all, cover the saucepan closely, and set in a pot of cold water. Bring this gradually to a boil, then cook very gently for an hour and a half, or until they are tender. Turn out into a deep dish. Mary Floyd.


Picked Codfish

This is an old-fashioned dish and name, but with most persons a great favorite. Pick the fish in small particles, separating the fibers as near as possible, the finer the better. Freshen by leaving it in water one hour. Pour off the water and cover again with fresh. Bring it to a scald, pour it off and pour over the fish just enough milk to cover it. Add to a quart of the soaked fish butter the size of one-half of an egg, a very little flour and a dust of pepper. Beat up two eggs, and after taking off the fish thicken it by stirring in the egg. Some let it boil after the egg is added, but if this is done the egg will curdle. Another way is to boil eggs, chop and mix them in the gravy. Louise Harris.

Cod Sounds And Tongues

Soak, scrape, and boil, as many cod sounds as required. Drain them, and put them into a stew-pan with sufficient white stock to cover them; season the sauce with salt, pepper, and powdered mace, thicken it with a lump of butter rolled in flour, and, just before serving it, squeeze in the juice of a lemon. Serve with egg sauce. Mrs. Frances Curry.