Mushroom Sauces

Mushroom Sauce

Dissolve one-half teaspoonful of Liebig's beef extract in one-half pint of boiling water. Fry one minced onion and one chopped carrot in a little butter or dripping until lightly browned; pour the liquid over them, let all boil together for ten minutes and add a dessert-spoonful of mushroom ketchup, skim, strain, and it is ready for table. Lucy Willis.

Mushroom Sauce - No. 2

Pare and chop off the roots of one dozen small mushrooms, put in a saucepan with two cupfuls of stock, salt and pepper to taste. Cook for thirty minutes; thicken and serve. Mrs. A. Curtiss.

Egg Sauces

Egg Sauce

Take one-half pint of veal or any white broth, thicken it with two ounces of butter blended with one and one-half ounces of flour; add, when it boils, some minced parsley, three eggs boiled hard and chopped separately, yolks from whites, one-half teaspoonful of pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Take the sauce off the fire and stir into it another ounce of butter. Serve in a tureen. If liked, the egg whites only may be stirred into the sauce; the hard yolks may be pressed through a wire sieve upon the meat. This is a nice sauce for calf's head. Phebe.

Egg Sauce - No. 2

This sauce is to serve with boiled fish. Take a small cupful of butter, and rub into it one-half teaspoonful of flour, then pour upon it about a gill of boiling water, stirring it fast. Let it boil up once. If it is allowed to boil long it will become oily. Pour it over two eggs boiled hard and cut fine. S. E. W.

Horseradish Sauces

Horseradish Sauce

Put two teaspoonfuls of prepared mustard into a large cup and mix with it a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, a salt-spoonful of salt and five tablespoonfuls of good vinegar. Stir this preparation briskly for two or three minutes with a wooden or silver fork, then pour it into a tureen in which has been placed a stick of horseradish finely grated; stir the mixture again and serve. Mrs. C. Dixon.

Horseradish Sauce - No. 2

A delicious sauce is made from grated horseradish root, mixed with lemon juice, a little salt, and a suspicion of white sugar. The lemon is to mix the sauce. Served with cold meats it makes them much more inviting and palatable. This sauce will retain its flavor for some time if kept well covered when not being used and the root does not discolor so quickly as when made in the old way with vinegar. Eliza Higgins.

Horseradish Sauce - No. 3

A good-sized stick of horseradish is required, which should be grated into a bowl and a teaspoonful of mustard, a little salt, one-quarter of a pint of cream and vinegar to taste added. Stir all well together, and serve in a pickle jar with roast beef. Carrie Long.

Tartar Sauces

Tartar Sauce

One cupful of mayonnaise dressing, six sour pickles, one-half bottle of capers, one-half dozen hard-boiled eggs, one medium-sized raw onion, a little green parsley. Chop all together very fine and mix with the mayonnaise dressing. Ivy White.

Tartar Sauce - No. 2

Wash and mince finely four young onions; put them into a mortar with a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, a teaspoonful of dry mustard, a teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper and the hard-boiled yolks of two eggs. Pound these ingredients until quite smooth. Put them into a bowl and mix with them gradually three tablespoonfuls of pure salad oil. The oil should be put in first in drops, and afterwards in teaspoonfuls and the sauce should be well beaten between each addition. If this point is carefully attended to there will be no danger of the sauce curdling. When the oil is thoroughly incorporated, add three dessertspoonfuls of best vinegar and one of chilli vinegar. Mrs. S. Lampin.

Sauce Accompaniments For Various Meats

Roast beef should be accompanied with tomato sauce, horseradish sauce, mustard, cranberry sauce or pickles.

Roast pork: With apple sauce, cranberry sauce, mustard.

Roast veal: Tomato sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce and spinach.

Roast mutton: Mint sauce, currant jelly, caper sauce.

Boiled mutton: Onion or caper sauce.

Boiled fowls: Onion sauce, cranberry sauce, jellies.

Roast lamb: Mint sauce, green peas.

Roast turkey: Cranberry sauce, giblet sauce, creamed onions, currant jelly.

Boiled turkey: Oyster sauce.

Venison or wild ducks: Cranberry sauce, apple sauce, drawn-butter and lemon sauce, currant jelly.

Stewed chicken: Curry-powder, egg sauce.

Roast goose: Apple sauce, cranberry sauce, grape or currant jelly.

Broiled steak: Mushroom sauce.

Boiled fish: White cream sauce, herb sauce, lemon sauce. Boiled lobster: Lobster sauce, slices of lemon.

Broiled shad: Mushroom sauce, German sauce, parsley or egg sauce. Pickles of all kinds, salted almonds, olives and most of compotes are suitable with all roast and boiled meats. Mrs. White.