Noodle Soups

Noodles For Soup

Take two eggs, butter the size of a walnut, three tablespoons sour cream, flour enough to make a rather stiff dough; knead, roll out very thin and cut in narrow strips; cook half an hour or less. Mrs. Rose.

Noodles - No. 2

Use one egg, one-half an eggshell of water, pinch of salt. Mix stiff with flour. Lay on napkin to dry; roll like jelly cake. Cut as thin as wafers. Mrs. Mason Doane.

Clear Soup With Noodles

Take two quarts of clear beef broth, peel and slice two carrots and two onions; put them into a stew-pan with a generous lump of butter and one small cabbage cut into shreds, cover and put over a slow fire, so as to stew gently until tender. Shake the pan occasionally to prevent burning. When the vegetables are cooked put them into the beef broth and boil the whole gently for thirty minutes, then strain. To make the noodles, slightly warm one-half cup of butter and beat to a cream, then work smoothly into it two heaping tablespoonfuls of flour and two well-beaten eggs. Let the soup boil up again; drop in small balls of the egg and butter and let it simmer for an hour longer. A. F. C.


Consomme Or Plain Meat Stock For Soup

Consomme or stock forms the basis of all meat soups, gravies and purees. The simpler it is made, the longer it keeps. It is best made of fresh, uncooked beef and some broken bones, to which may be added the remnants of broken meats. In a home where flesh forms part of the every-day diet, a good cook will seldom be without a stock-pot.

Four pounds of beef and broken bones, one gallon of cold water and two teaspoonfuls of salt. Put the meat and water on the back of the stove and let it slowly come to a boil, then simmer three or four hours, until the water is boiled away one-half; add the salt, strain and set to cool, in an earthenware dish well covered. When cold, take the fat off the top and it is ready for use. To make soup for a family of six, - take one quarter of the stock, to which add one quart of boiling water, and any vegetables desired - boil three hours. Season with salt and pepper.

Consomme With Rice And Cream

Put one quart of plain consomme made after the above recipe, in a stew-pan and when it has come to a boil add a pint of boiling water and one-half cup of cold boiled rice. Boil for ten minutes, then add one teaspoonful each of sugar and salt and a cup of cream.

Emma Hoffman.

Consomme With Pearl Barley

Put one quart of consomme, made after the above recipe for plain consomme in a granite kettle, add one-fourth of a cup of well-washed pearl barley, and one pint of boiling water. Let boil forty-five minutes. Add one-third of a cup of cold breast of chicken cut in dice, two tablespoonfuls of peas previously cooked, and serve on crisp crackers.

P. R. Saur.

Consomme With Egg Balls

Use one quart of the above recipe for plain consomme put over to boil, adding to it one quart of boiling water. Just before taking from the stove put in a few balls made by rubbing smoothly together the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs seasoned with a dash of salt and pepper, one tea-spoonful of melted butter, one-fourth teaspoonful of finely minced parsley and just enough slightly beaten raw egg to bind together. Mold into balls like small marbles. Mrs. R. McCall.

Chicken Soups

Chicken Broth

Cut up a chicken into small pieces and put it in a deep earthen dish, adding a quart of cold water, and setting it over a boiling kettle. Cover closely and let it steam several hours until the meat of the chicken has become very tender, after which strain off the broth and let it stand over night. Skim off all the fat in the morning and pour the broth into a bowl. Into the dish in which the broth was made put one-third of a tea-cupful of rice in a teacupful of cold water, and steam as before until the rice is soft; then pour in the broth and steam an hour or two longer.

Mrs. I. C. Miller.

Chicken Broth - No. 2

Cut up the fowl and put into a pot with four quarts of cold water.

Stew until diminished to three quarts. Take out the chicken and reserve for use. Season broth and add a small cup of rice. Cook rice tender.

If desired add a cup of milk and one or two beaten eggs before serving.

Miss Minnie B.

Chicken Gumbo Soup

Fry one chicken; remove the bones; chop fine; put in kettle, with two quarts of boiling water, three ears of corn, six tomatoes sliced fine, twenty-four pods of okra; corn, tomatoes and okra to be fried a light brown in the gravy left from frying the chicken; then add to the kettle with water and chicken, two tablespoonfuls of rice; pepper and salt; boil slowly one hour. Mrs. W. M. Wheeler.

A Delicate Chicken Soup

Prepare three young chickens and put them in a stew-pan with five pints of white stock freed from fat and cleared from sediment. A sliced turnip and carrot may be put with them, and removed before the soup is thickened. Let them simmer gently an hour. Remove all the white flesh, return the rest of the birds to the soup, and simmer once more for two hours. Pour a little of the boiling liquid over a quarter of a pound of crumbs of bread, and when it is well soaked, drain it, put it in a mortar with the flesh which has been taken from the bones, and pound it to a smooth paste, adding, by degrees, the liquid. Flavor with salt, pepper, and a very little pounded mace; press the mixture through a sieve, and boil once more, adding one pint of boiling cream. If the soup should not be sufficiently thick, a tablespoonful of arrowroot which has been mixed may be added very smoothly with a little cold milk.

Mrs. Callie Price.

Amber Soup

Take a chicken, or the remains of two or more roasted ones, break in pieces and add a soup bone with three quarts of water. Cook slowly for four hours, then add an onion fried in a little hot fat, with half a dozen cloves stuck into it, one-half a small carrot, parsley and three stalks of celery, and cook for another hour, by which time the stock will have been reduced by boiling to two quarts. Strain into a large bowl and the following day remove the fat which will have accumulated on top; take out the jellied stock, avoiding the settlings which will do for some sauce or gravy; let it heat, then skim and mix into it the beaten white of an egg, shell and all; skim off carefully and strain through a fine strainer.

Mrs. C. H. M.

Mulligatawny Soup

Melt a quarter of a pound of butter in a saucepan, and chop a carrot, an onion, and a little celery, and fry in this butter. Add an ounce of raw ham cut into small squares, and a very small chicken cut in quarters. Let them brown slowly, season with salt and pepper, and shake a spoonful of curry powder over. In five minutes add two quarts of broth and two potatoes cut up very small. Cook all for one hour, skim the fat from the soup and lift out the chicken. Cut the breast into small squares, place them back in the soup. Serve a dish of plain boiled rice with it.

Christine Norimer.

Mock Terrapin

One cold chicken, four hard-boiled eggs, one cup of milk, a pinch of salt and pepper, and butter the size of a walnut. Boil the milk; thicken with the flour, then add the cold chicken and eggs, chopped fine. Let boil up and serve hot. Very fine. Mrs. A. G Brown.