
Have half a pint of shelled shrimps. Then make a thick sauce: a heaped teaspoonful of flour, half an ounce of butter and a gill of milk. Flavor it with a little mace, pepper and salt. Stir in the shrimps. When well heated pour the whole out onto a hot dish, trim the dish round with cold boiled rice, and serve. Mrs. Annie Rust.

Shrimps Creamed

Heat two tablespoonfuls of butter and half a grated onion. When hot, stir in half a cup of cold boiled rice; add a cup of cream and half a pint of canned or fresh shrimps. Stir until it comes to the boiling point, then simmer about five minutes. Serve on toast. Eastman Hotel.

Creamed Shrimps On Toast

Wash and drain one can of shrimps or wash the same amount of fresh-gathered ones and remove shell. Put in a saucepan two tablespoonfuls of butter; when it melts add the same quantity of flour and rub smooth, but do not brown. Pour on this a quart of milk and bring to a boil. Season with pepper, add the shrimps and let the mixture stand on the back of the stove until it is heated through, then pour over toasted bread. Mrs. N. K. B.


Broiled Frogs' Legs

Lay two dozen frogs on their backs. Cut from the neck along the side of the belly and cut again across the middle of the belly. Take out the entrails and cut away the head, leaving only the back and legs. Skin and chop off the feet, then wash thoroughly and blanch in scalding salted water. Lay on a dish and pour over a little olive oil seasoned with salt and pepper. Turn over several times in this seasoning and broil for three or four minutes on one side, then turn. Broil altogether about seven minutes, and serve with a maitre d' hotel sauce. Mrs. T. F. Kinney.

Fried Frogs' Legs

Clean two dozen frogs' legs and dip them singly, first in a beaten egg then in cracker crumbs and plunge them singly into very hot fat and fry for five minutes. Drain, garnish with parsley and serve with maitre d' hotel sauce and Saratoga chips. W. O. C.

Fricasseed Frogs' Legs

Clean two dozen frogs as above and put them in a granite saucepan with a little butter. Place on the fire and cook until the butter begins to brown, then pour over a teacupful of hot water, cover the pan and stew for twenty-five minutes; skim off most of the butter and add salt and pepper to taste. Thicken with the yolks of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls of cream. As soon as it begins to boil remove from the fire. Serve on hot buttered toast. G. M. J.

Frogs' Legs Stewed

A chopped or sliced onion, an ounce of butter, a small piece of raw ham cut up very small, half a green pepper, a sliced tomato, a teaspoon of rice, a cup of hot water and one of cream. Put two ounces of butter in saucepan, lay the frogs' quarters in this and fry gently. Then add the other ingredients, boiling till done. Take out of the pan, strain the gravy, mix it with the yolks of two eggs, beaten to a cream. Place the frogs' legs in a proper dish, pour over the gravy and send to the table.

C. E. P.

Poultry And Game

BY THE word game is meant all animals and birds which live in the woods and fields in a state of nature, which have never been domesticated and are proper to be eaten. There are many sorts of game - from the little quail, prairie chicken, and kindred birds, to the roe, deer and other hoof-footed species. The flesh of wild fowl has an aroma more marked than that of the tame ones.

Poultry And Game IdealCookbook 39

How To Select Poultry

Poultry may be served in many fashions, and is generally eaten with pleasure. In selecting it full-grown fowls have the best flavor, provided they are young. The age can be determined by turning the wing backward - if it yields, it is tender. The same is true if the skin on the leg is readily broken. Older poultry makes the best soup. In dressing poultry, chickens only should be scalded. All other fowl and game are best dry-picked. The intestines should be removed at once, but frequently in shipping they are left in and, hence, when removed, the fowl needs washing in several waters. The next to the last water should contain a half tea-spoonful of baking soda, which sweetens and renders all more wholesome. The giblets are the gizzard, heart, liver and neck.

The best pan in which to bake all kinds of game and fowl is a double pan or one with a hinged cover. The latter has been put upon the market within a few years and contains a small aperture in the top which permits the steam and gas to escape when wished, but confines the aroma, which is absorbed by the meat.

Sage Dressing

A good sage dressing for geese or ducks is obtained by mixing one pint of stale bread-crumbs, two tablespoons of melted butter, one tablespoon of chopped parsley, one teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of powdered sage, one teaspoon of powdered sweet marjoram, one-quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper. Mix all together, and moisten by adding the butter. This can be served on a separate dish, as a dressing for pork when roasted. Mrs. Jane Hart.

Forcement Balls

These may be made by chopping one-quarter of a pound of beef suet, together with a little lemon peel, and some parsley. Mix with a bowl of bread-crumbs, flavored with pepper, salt and nutmeg. The yolks of two eggs will moisten it, when it must be rolled in flour, and made up into small balls and baked in a hot oven till crisp. These balls are fine to stuff fowls with. A little ham chopped or pounded makes them richer.