This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
Mix one cupful of oatmeal with one tablespoonful of butter, one table-spoonful of lemon juice, one-half cupful of sugar and one cupful of milk and cream. Cook five minutes. Take off and add while stirring two eggs, one-half teaspoonful of baking-powder and two large apples pared and thinly sliced. Turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake in a moderate oven until it swells and has a yellow color. Sprinkle with sugar and serve with cream. Emily Brooks.
One-half pint of milk, two ounces of chocolate, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, one rounding tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, four eggs. Put the milk in the double boiler and place on the fire. Beat the butter to a soft cream and beat the flour into it. Gradually pour the hot milk on this, stirring all the time. Return to the fire and cook for six minutes. Put the shaved chocolate, sugar and two tablespoonfuls of water in a small pan over the hot fire, and stir until smooth and glossy. Stir this into the mixture in the double boiler. Take from the fire and add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten; then set away to cool. When cool, add the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the batter into a well-buttered earthen dish that will hold about a quart and cook in a moderate oven for twenty-two minutes. Serve immediately with vanilla cream sauce. Maria Parloa.
Beat the yolks of two eggs in one-half cupful of ripe crushed strawberries, juice of two oranges and one-half cupful of sugar together, then cook for two minutes; add one-quarter of a package of gelatine soaked till soft, the whipped whites of two eggs, and when cold one cupful of whipped cream; turn into a souffle dish surrounded with a paper band; cover with strawberry jelly and place on ice till needed. (See Colored Picture.) Mrs. J. H. Tibbitts.
Stew a few quinces until soft, slightly sweeten and pass through a colander. Put into a glass dish and cover with a custard made of one pint of milk, two yolks of eggs and three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Whip whites of two eggs light with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and heap on top.
Miss Stahl.
Put a layer of sliced and sweetened peaches in a deep glass dish and cover with a thick layer of sponge-cake crumbs. Pour over this a soft custard yet warm, reserving two of the whites of eggs, to which add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and beat for meringue. Serve very cold.
Mrs. Erskine Smith.
The juice of two lemons and grated peel of one, one pint of cream well sweetened and whipped stiff. Let sugar, lemon juice and peel stand together a couple of hours. Strain and whip gradually into the frothed cream. Serve immediately in small glasses lined with lady fingers.
Boston Cooking School.
One pint of cream beaten to a stiff froth, two tablespoonfuls each of sugar and raspberry jelly. Arrange the same as above. Delmonico's.
Pulp through a sieve two pounds of ripe Concord grapes, add sugar to taste and the beaten white of one egg, a little gelatine soaked and added to the grape pulp is an improvement. Put into glasses and cover with whipped cream, flavored with vanilla. Serve very cold.
Mrs. C. M. Binner.
Peel, core and quarter some astrakhan apples and stew them with one quince using only sufficient water to cover the bottom of the stew-pan. Add sugar in the proportion of one-half a pound to one pound of fruit; when cooked, press the pulp through a sieve. When cold pour over it one pint of whipped cream flavored with vanilla or lemon.
Mrs. Luella Blue.
Beat the whites of six eggs to a stiff froth, then add six tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; beat for one-half hour, then beat in one-half cupful of pineapple. Place the trifle in a glass dish, cover with whipped cream dotted with bits of strawberry jelly. Mrs. I. M. Field.
One quart of gooseberries, sugar to taste, one-half cupful of gelatine, and one pint of whipped cream. Put the gooseberries into a jar with two cups of sugar, and boil until reduced to a pulp. Put through a coarse colander to remove skins. Have ready the soaked gelatine. Heat and pour in a trifle dish; when cold, cover with whipped cream. Garnish with ripe gooseberries. Mrs. A. M. Smart.
Peel, remove pulp and slice a dozen oranges, grate a cocoanut and slice a pineapple. Put alternate layers of each until the dish is full. Then pour over them a cupful of ice water. Serve with small cakes.
Amy Hubbell.
Put in the center of a dish a pineapple pared, cored and sliced thin yet retaining as near as possible its original shape. Peel, quarter and remove the seeds from three oranges; arrange them around the pineapple. Take three bananas, peel and cut into slices crosswise; arrange these wreath-fashion around the oranges and over all this strew a few fresh ripe strawberries. Pour one pint of pulverized sugar over the fruit and serve. Anna Vallens.
Cut small cantaloupes in halves and if oyerripe scoop out and throw away. Fill with cold seeded grapes, peaches, bananas and shredded pineapple. Use orange juice for flavoring. Sprinkle over pulverized sugar. If sweet, do not remove flesh of melons. Set on ice twenty minutes.
E. J. T.
Four bananas, two oranges sliced fine, one-half cupful of sugar. Dissolve one-half box of gelatine (according to directions on box), pour over fruit and set away to harden. Cut in squares, serve with whipped cream on each square. Any kind of fruit may be used. Mrs. W. Vokes.
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