Squash Or Pumpkin Pies

Stewed Squash Or Pumpkin For Pies

Medium, deep-colored pumpkins are the best. Cut in half, remove the seeds, then cut up in thick slices, pare the outside and cut again in small pieces. Put one-half of it into a granite saucepan with a very little water; let cook slowly until tender. Now set the pan on the back of the stove and cook slowly, stirring often until the moisture is dried out and the pumpkin looks dark and red. It requires cooking at least half a day to have it dry and rich. When cool press through a colander. As only one-half of the pumpkin is required the other half can be dried and used at some future time. E. V. A.

Pumpkin Pie (Like Mother Makes)

One quart of milk, three small cupfuls of boiled and strained pumpkin, one and one-half cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of molasses, the yolks and whites of three eggs beaten separately, a little salt, one level tablespoonful each of ginger and cinnamon. Beat all together and bake with an under crust; enough for three pies. Hubbard squash may be substituted for pumpkin if latter is not at hand. Amy Brooks.

Squash Pie

Add two cups of milk to four and one-quarter cups of sifted squash. Use five eggs, one and one-half cups of brown sugar and one-half of a nutmeg, grated, with a teaspoonful of cinnamon; salt to taste. Bake on single crust three-quarters of an hour. Mrs. Sally Bowles.

Rhubarb Pie

Select the red stalks, those that have grown in the sun, cut off where the leaves commence, strip off the outside skin, then cut in pieces one-half inch long; line a pie dish with paste, put a layer of the rhubarb nearly an inch deep, a large teacupful of sugar, sprinkle with salt, shake over a little flour, cover with a crust, slit in the center, trim off the edge and bake in a quick oven until done. Rhubarb pies made in this way are altogether superior to those made of the fruit stewed. N. E. L.

Rhubarb Pie (Stewed)

Stew and sweeten fruit to taste. Line a dish with paste; brush the paste over with the beaten white of an egg to keep it from becoming soggy. Put only one-half cup of water to a two-quart saucepan of the rhubarb in stewing, or it will be too juicy. Fill the dish three-quarters full, put strips of paste across as for a tart pie, and bake in a quick oven until the crust is done. Katharine.

Pies From Berries

Raspberry, Cherry Or Gooseberry Turnovers

Take a good light crust, roll it out two or three times, then leave it one-quarter of an inch in thickness. Cut it out in rounds with a small basin, and lay a few black raspberries, cherries or gooseberries, which have been stewed with sugar, on one-half of each round. Turn the other half over the fruit, fasten the edges securely, and bake on tins in a moderate oven. Serve with sifted sugar. Mrs. C. I. Burt.

Gooseberry Pie

Line a deep dish and fill with ripe or green gooseberries, regulating the quantity of sugar you use by their sweetness (one cup at least); sift over this a small teaspoonful of flour, add a very little butter, then cover with a crust and bake. R. A. B.

Mock Cherry Pie

One cupful of cranberries; prick each one with a fork to keep them from cooking to pieces, one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of water and one tablespoonful of flour wet in a little of the water. Stir all together and bake between two crusts. Mrs. Orval Townsend.

Strawberry Pie

Line a pie plate with rich biscuit dough; prick the bottom to let out the air and bake. When cold fill with fresh ripe strawberries, well sprinkled with powdered sugar, spread over this a meringue made with the whites of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; put in the oven just long enough to set but not cook the berries. Mrs. T. R. Duncan.

Cherry Pie

Line pie plate with good crust, fill it generously half full with ripe, stoned cherries; sprinkle over them a good cupful of sugar and a tea-spoonful of sifted flour. Dot over a few tiny bits of butter; now fill the crust to the top with cherries; cover with the upper crust and bake. Very good, indeed. Amy McCall.

Huckleberry Pie

Pick out all the stems and wash one quart of berries; line a pie dish with paste, put in the berries two-thirds of an inch deep; cover with two-thirds of a teacupful of brown sugar; sprinkle a teaspoonful of flour over, a little salt; cover the pie, cut a slit in the center, press the two crusts together around the edge and bake in a quick oven for forty minutes.

J. A. C.

Blackberry Pie

Pick the berries clean, wash in cold water and make as directed for huckleberries. W. I. L.