This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
Two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls of baking-powder, one cupful of flour; stir the sugar in the well-beaten yolks of eggs, then add the whites beaten stiff, milk, flour, etc. Bake in two jelly tins eight or ten minutes.
Whip one cup of thick, sweet cream, then add two tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar, season with vanilla and pour between and on top of layers. To be eaten while fresh. Mrs. I. H. Hoffman.
One-half cupful of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of butter, the whites of three eggs, two and one-half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Bake in layers.
One-half cupful of cream whipped stiff, one-half cupful of sugar; flavor to taste. Mrs. C. Ullery.
Take three eggs, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of butter, one cupful of cocoanut, three tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of baking-powder, one teaspoonful of vanilla extract, flour enough to roll out nicely. These cookies require a quick oven and must be rolled out very thin. The longer they are kept the more moist they become.
Mrs. E. Casper.
The whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of sweet milk, three teaspoonfuls of baking-powder and flour enough to make a moderately stiff batter. Bake in layers.
Take one-half cupful of sugar and one tablespoonful of water; let dissolve and then boil till it shreds. Add the yolks of four eggs well beaten and the juice of one-fourth of a lemon. Spread between the layers, sprinkling cocoanut on top. Mrs. M. E. St Clair.
Take one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one teacupful of rich, sour cream, two eggs (well beaten), any kind of flavoring and lastly add one teaspoonful of soda sifted in two cupfuls of flour. Beat all well, bake in layers in moderately hot oven.
Take the heavy, sweet cream from one pan of milk and beat until stiff; add a little sugar and beat again; spread between the layers and on top. Over the sweetened cream sprinkle fresh grated cocoanut. To be eaten while fresh. Mrs. L. A. Hall.
Three-quarters of a cupful of butter, two cupfuls of soft, white sugar, one cupful of warm water, three eggs beaten separately or the whites of only six eggs, three cupfuls of flour, having in it two tablespoonfuls of baking-powder. Bake in jelly-cake pans, three layers. It takes eight ounces of crystallized cocoanut, soaked in tepid water to spread between the layers.
The top should be iced with the following boiled icing: Take two and one-half cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, boil three minutes; when cool add the whites of three eggs well beaten.
Mrs. Phebe Tyrell.
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