This section is from the book "Mrs. Owens' Cook Book", by Frances E. Owens. Also available from Amazon: Mrs. Owens' Cook Book.
Put a teaspoon of soda in warm water and wash with soap like any other garment.
Wash in clear, tepid water, in which a tablespoon of powdered borax has been dissolved (to half a tub of water). Use but little soap; rinse in tepid water into which has been stirred enough boiled starch to stiffen a very little. Dry in the shade. Roll up, while a little damp, for ironing.
Use glue instead of starch for stiffening black dresses. It makes them shine like new and leaves no white spots as starch does. Or common flour starch colored with cold coffee answers very nicely.
For dark prints or percales, mix 2 tablespoons raw starch with cold water, smoothly. Stir into a pint of clear, hot coffee, that has been strained. Boil about 10 minutes, add a bit of enamel or a teaspoon of kerosene.
Stir 3 tablespoons flour made smooth in a little cold water, into 1 quart of boiling water. Keep stirring until it boils. *53 and then for 5 minutes longer. Strain through a coarse strainer or crash towel.
Rub the spot with melted lard; then wash with soap and water. Applies to hands or clothing.
Pour boiling water through the stains, and repeat several times before putting in soap-suds. If this does not remove them, dip in javelle-water.
Dissolve 1 pound sal soda and 1/2 pound chloride of lime in 2 quarts boiling water. Let cool and add 2 quarts cold water. Soft water should be used.
Put half a teaspoon of hartshorn to half a teaspoon of alcohol; wet a bit of woolen cloth or soft sponge in it and rub and soak the spot with it, and the grease, if freshly dropped, will disappear. If the spot is of long standing, it may require several applications. In woolen or cotton, the spot may be rubbed when the liquid is applied and also in black silk, though not hard. But with light or colored silk, wet the spot with the cloth or sponge with which the hartshorn is put on, patting it lightly. Rubbing silk, particularly colored silk, is apt to leave a whitish spot, almost as disagreeable as the grease spot.
Dissolve a heaping tablespoon of chloride of lime in a pail of water. Dip in the goods and spread out to dry in the hot sun without wringing. When dry, repeat the process. This will take out the worst case of mildew and many other stains. The lime must be well dissolved. Cloth may also be bleached beautifully by hanging on a line when the sun shines and snow is on the ground. Snow bleaches more rapidly than grass.
Lemon juice and salt mixed together and put on iron rust will take it out. Keep it in the sun. If one application does not do it, try another. A solution of oxalic acid in water will also remove iron rust.
Mrs. A. R. Strange, Bowling Green, Kentucky, says: Dip the garment in apple vinegar and rub bi-carbonate of soda over it.
Have the articles well cleansed, then dip in a very strong blueing water. Hang up to dry without wringing. When nearly dry, press on the side intended for the wrong side, and you will be astonished at the renovation that has taken place.
Brush and wipe off thoroughly with a cloth; lay flat on a table and sponge with hot coffee strained through muslin. Sponge it on the side intended for the right side; then pin to a sheet stretched on the carpet until it dries. Do not touch with an iron.
Rub clear ammonia on silk that is discolored from perspiration. It will also restore the color of goods, particularly black, when the color has been destroyed by lemon juice.
In putting away white clothes in the fall, have the starch washed out and make them very blue. This will keep them from getting yellow.
Take a clean piece of flannel, and with some heated bran rub the fur well, when it will be quite renewed. The bran should be heated in a moderate oven, for a hot oven will scorch and brown the fur. Oatmeal with no husks is preferable to bran. Dried flour will also answer.
May Owens.
If you want to color white lace mitts cream, wash the mitts with toilet soap, put them into a cup of cold coffee and let them stay about half a day. Do not iron them, but put them on your hands and wear till they are dry.
Mrs. N. W. Hammond, Clear Lake, Iowa.
Spread on a clean cloth a mixture of dry magnesia and baking powder. Lay the lace flat on it. Cover with the mixture. Roll up for a few days. Then take a dry, soft nail or tooth-brush and brush well, especially the soiled spots. Shake out and the result will be more than you anticipate. White Shetland shawls may be "dry" rubbed in flour and cleaned beautifully.
Miss Hattie E. Crump, Lake Mills, Wis.
Wash the lace in gasoline, rubbing in the hands as much as the delicacy of the fabric will allow. It needs no rinsing as the gasoline evaporates very quickly. Do not press. Too much care cannot be exercised in the use of gasoline. Its explosive qualities are so very great. Do not use it after night, or near a stove.
Starch in hot starch and pull in shape on a soft white flannel. When nearly dry, rub over with a warm iron - not hot - and lay in a paper in the sun or warm oven. Then shape the edge with the fingers.
One cup coffee and 1 tablespoon ammonia. Wash in it, dip in skim milk, and pin it out on a pillow until dry.
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