"Life gives us the key to the larder,

We choose for our feasts what we will."

Never Fail Omelet.

Beat the yolks of 6 eggs very light and stir in 1 tablespoon of flour and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Add butter size of a walnut, melted, then a small teacup of sweet milk. Lastly, whip in the stiffly beaten whites. Turn into a well buttered baking dish and bake in a quick oven until a golden brown. About 15 minutes is sufficient to bake well. Serve immediately.

Miss Florence Clayton.

French Omelet.

Three eggs, 3 tablespoons milk, 1 teaspoon flour, pinch of salt. Bent the yolks of eggs well, add milk, flour and salt, and stir half the well beaten whites with half the mixture and turn into a frying pan in which a little butter has become smoking hot. As it browns, roll and place on a hot platter. Stir in remainder of whites and proceed as before.

Miss Ida B. Davison.

Stuffed Eggs.

Six hard boiled eggs, 1 teaspoonful onion juice, 4 chopped olives, 1/2 teaspoon butter, pinch salt and dash of pepper. Boil eggs 20 minutes. Cut in half, remove yolks into mixing bowl, add all the other ingredients and mix well. Put the white on lettuce leaf and fill with the mixture. Cover with salad dressing.

Mrs. H. E. Brace.

Baked Eggs.

Break as many egers as you wish to serve into an iron frying pan or small individual baking dishes. Pour milk (cream is still better) over eggs until yolks only are seen, sprinkle with salt, pepper, bits of butter, and place in medium hot oven. Let bake until milk has simmered a few minutes. Garnish dishes and serve.

Mrs. Claude E. Quivey.

Eggs in Scallop Shells.

Cook fresh eggs about 20 minutes, then peel. Place 1 egg in a scallop shell over mashed potatoes which have been seasoned and whipped to extreme lightness. If potato has been put through a piping tube it will be much more attractive looking. Garnish shells daintily.

Grace M. Quivey.

Eggs a la Goldenrod.

Have prepared 6 slices of buttered toast and 6 hard boiled eggs. Make a gravy of 1 pint of milk, seasoning to taste and add the chopped whites of the eggs. Place the toast on a platter and pour the gravy over, crumb the yokes over this in the form of goldenrod.

Mrs. C. A. Barhydt.

Eggs Au Gratin.

Half cup white sauce, 2 eggs, salt and pepper. Drop eggs in sauce and poach, then put cheese on top and bake in oven.

Miss Vera DeForest.