Crime Fouettée. Whipt Cream

This has already been mentioned-, the only diffe-rence is, that the Cream with Orange-slower Water, rasped Lemon-peel, and a proper quantity of Sugar, is drained in a fine Cloth, and served in the Compotier instead of Cups or Glasses; you may either add one or two Whites of Eggs to make it froth the better, or Gum-dragon in Powder; drain it well, raise it as high as you can in the Compotier, and stick bits of Lemon-peel in it, as is done sometimes with Almonds in Blanc-mange.

Crème Au Blanc D'oeufs - Cream With Whites Of Eggs

Boil a pint of Cream with a little Sugar and Orange-slower Water; take it off the Fire, add three Whites of Eggs beat up, and stir it on a slow Fire some time to thicken it without boiling; serve in a Compotier. All sorts of Cream are made much after the same manner, as have been observed already: It is the quality of the different mixtures that give the names.