Ratafiat De Noyaux - Ratifia Of Kernels

Pound about a quarter of a pound of Apricot-kernels without being scalded or peeled, a small handful of Coriander-feed, and about half an ounce of Cinnamon; put this into a proper vessel, and pour about half a gallon of Brandy upon it, with a pound and a half of clarified Sugar, or more, according to the same proportion; stop the vessel very well, let it infuse about a month in the fun, or in a warm place, then strain it first through a Sieve, and afterwards through a Funnel, in which put some Cotton that it may filtrate clear; or strain it two or three times over in this manner, the more the better, using fresh Cotton every time.

Ratafiat De Citron - Ratafia Of Lemon-peel

Rasp the outward yellow Rind of seven or eight Lemons, or peel it off very thin not to come to the white; infuse this in three quarts of Brandy for about three weeks, then add three quarters of a pound of clarified Sugar to each quart of Brandy; let it infuse about a fortnight longer, then strain as directed in the first; this is much better for being kept long: The vessel ought to be kept in a moderate heat while infusion is carried on.

Ratafiat De Genievre. Ratafia Of Juniper- Berries

The proportion for a gallon, is to infuse about a pint of fresh Juniper-berries, or about half a pound, which is much the same, two ounces of dried preserved Orange-flowers, and three pounds of clarified Sugar; let it infuse about a month or fix weeks in a moderate heat, and filtrate as the former: This is better the second year than the first, and may be kept numbers of years, in which it (till improves.

Ratifiat De Muscat, & C. Ratafia Of Muscadine Grapes And Others

Use them when ripe; bruise them to strain the Juice, (and add, if you please, a moderate quantity of pounded Kernels, as the first, a little Coriander and Cinnamon) three pints of Grape-juice, as much Brandy, and a pound of clarified Sugar; ten or twelve days will do to infuse is (without Kernels or Seeds) other-wife it requires a longer time: finish this as usual.

De Coigns; Of Quinces

Use them when thoroughly ripe, mellow, and free from blemishes; rasp the Rind off, and keep the Fruit together a day or two in an earthen Pan; then squeeze the juice out, strain it through a Cloth, boil it a moment with half a pound of Sugar to each half-pint of Juice, and taking it off the fire, add as many pints of Brandy, the Rind of a middling Lemon peeled very thin, and a little Cinnamon; let it infuse about a month, and then sift as usual.

Ratafiat D'anis. Ratifia Of Aniseeds And Apricots

Boil half a pound of Aniseeds about a quarter of an hour in a pint of Water; let it cool, and pour it into the vessel, with four quarts of Brandy, (or a less proportion of the whole) and three pounds of clarified Sugar j let it infuse about three weeks, and strain it as usual. - D'Abricots; of Apricots. Use them when thoroughly ripe; peel and cut them into pieces to boil in white Wine, about a pint to four dozen; sift in a Sieve like a Marmalade, mix it with as much Brandy, put it into a proper vessel with the Kernels bruised, a quarter of a pound of Sugar to each pint of Liquor; infuse about three weeks, and filtrate as the first.

Ratafiat De Noix. Ratafia Of Walnuts

This is mostly made with fresh ripe Walnuts; when properly peeled and cleaned, split about two dozen of Nuts with the Shells for the proportion of three quarts of Brandy j infuse about a month in a cool place, stirring the vessel now and then; then strain the Brandy off, and put it into the vessel again, with a a little Cinnamon, Coriander, two or three Cloves and two pounds of clarified Sugar; infuse this as long again; then strain it as usual. It is the better for being long kept.

Ratafiat De Fleurs D'oranges. Ratifia Of Orange-flowers

Clarify the proportion of two pounds of Sugar to one pound of Orange-flowers, which simmer a few minutes in the Sugar, the Pan being covered; take it off the Fire, and add two quarts of Brandy; let it rest six or eight hours, and strain it off. You may then preserve the flowers dried for any other use: Otherwise infuse a smaller quantity of the flowers in the Brandy, and strain them through a Cloth pretty hard to filtrate with the Liquor: This is also made by mixing a pint of Orange-slower Water with a quart of Brandy, three quarters of a pound of Sugar, Coriander and Cinnamon, and infused some time, as usual.

Ratafiat De Cerises - Ratifia Of Cherries, Etc

Upon the proportion of three pounds of ripe Cherries, put a pound of Rasberries, bruise them together, and sift through a Sieve the next day to mix with as much Brandy, and a pound of Sugar for each pint of Liquor: You may also put the Stones and Kernels pounded into the vessel to infuse in a warm place about six weeks; then drain it as usual. - That of Mulberries, Currants, etc. is made after the same manner.