Six lamb's kidneys, scalded, skinned, and split in half; two tablespoonfuls of butter; one teaspoonful, each, of onion-juice and Worcestershire sauce; two tablespoonfuls of sherry or Madeira; one even teaspoonful of salt; saltspoonful of cayenne. Heat the butter and brown the kidneys in the blazer, add the seasoning, cook two minutes, and serve.

Deviled Kidneys

Slice, and take out hard centres and fat. Have ready, beaten to a cream, a tablespoonful of butter, an even teaspoonful of mustard, a pinch of paprica or cayenne, a little salt, and a tea-spoonful of lemon-juice. Melt, without really heating the mixture ; coat each slice with it, roll in cracker-dust, and broil, turning often. They should be done in eight minutes. Put a few drops of the deviled sauce upon each, and send to table.

Deviled Beef

Slices of rare roast beef; three tablespoonfuls of olive oil; one teaspoonful, each, of paprica and salt; half a teaspoonful, each, of mustard and black pepper; six olives, stoned and cut in two.

Heat oil and seasoning together in blazer; lay in the beef and olives and cook until smoking-hot.

Underdone mutton may be prepared in the same way.