Truss the birds, having first removed the pinions, legs, crop, entrails and oil-bags; rub a little butter over them and dredge with flour, salt and pepper, and roast in a hot oven for twenty or thirty minutes. If preferred stuffed, peel, core and quarter some apples and fill the body with them, removing them when the bird is done, as they are not fit to eat, the flavor being too strong. Serve with olive sauce and green peas.

Roast Duck With Orange Sauce

Scrape a tablespoonful each of fat bacon and raw onion and fry them together for five minutes; add the juice of an orange and a wineglassful of port wine, the drippings from the duck and seasoning of salt and pepper. Keep this hot without boiling, and serve with the duck after it is roasted.

Salmis Of Duck

Take a cold roasted duck; cut off the fillets,trim them and put in a stewpan with a little salt and allspice; add one teacupful of olive oil and a wineglassful of claret; stir over the fire until the fillets are hot through, then dish and serve.