Table Of Insect Pests

The following tabulated statement of the various insect pests may be of use to the cultivator. Special stress is laid upon the Period of Rest (chrysalis stage) column. That is when the soil should be kept stirred up with the hoe, even if it cannot be dug with the spade or the fork. It is of course understood that one of the objects in stirring the soil is to enable the birds to get at the grubs. The column indicating Period of Destruction (the larval stage), is useful as indicating the period when the various washes and sprays are likely to be most effectual.

Insect Pests Of Fruits, Flowers, And Vegetables

Name of Pest.

Resting Period (Pupa Stage).

Destructive Period (Caterpillar and Perfect Insect Stage).

Plants Attacked and Remedies.

American Blight (Schi-zoneura lanigera, fig. 92).


July to Oct.

Stems and roots of Apple trees. Caustic washes in winter, and methylated spirits or paraffin in summer.



Jan. to Dec.

Troublesome in fruit- and plant-houses. Trap with sweet liquids, and strew lime about nests.

Aphides. See Green and Black Fly.

Apple Aphis and Apple Sucker (Aphis and Psylla Mali).

Aug. to May.

May to July.

Attack flower buds and leaves. Syringe with lime and salt, or nicotine and quassia solutions.

Name of Pest.

Resting Period (Pupa Stage).

Destructive Period (Caterpillar and Perfect Insect Stage).

Plants Attacked and Remedies.

Apple - blossom Weevil (Anthonomus porno-rum, fig. 97).


Spring to Summer.

Attacks Apple buds, and afterwards the leaves. Grease-banding and hoeing in autumn and winter; also apply caustic wash before buds break in spring.

AppleandCurrantClear-wing Moth (Trochilium myopoeforme, fig. 103).

Nov. to May.

June to Nov.

Grubs feed upon stems of the plants and the pupae nest in the crevices. Use nicotine or quassia washes in summer, and caustic washes in winter, rubbed well into bark.

Apple Mussel Scale (My-tilaspis pomorum, fig. 93).


May to Aug.

Bark and branches of Apple and other fruit trees. Apply caustic washes in winter.

Apple-pith Moth (Tine-ina).


Spring to Autumn.

Early in year caterpillars tunnel into pith of shoots and fruit spurs, and pupate from June onwards. Spray with nicotine washes early in year, and cut back shoots in winter.

Apple Sawfly (Hoplo-campa testudinea).

Asparagus Beetle (Crio-ceris Asparagi, fig. 94).

Aug. to Mar. Sept. to June.

April to July. June to Sept.

Attacks flowers of Apple, and afterwards fruit. Destroy diseased fruit and stir ground frequently with hoe. Strew quicklime over surface.

Attacks Asparagus shoots. Knock off with stick, and strew lime and soot over ground in advance. Spray with nicotine, or dust with hellebore powder.

Asparagus Fly (Platy-parea poeciloptera).

Sept. to April.

April to Aug.

Larvae bore into heads and stems of young shoots and work downwards. Cut and burn the stunted yellowish or brown stems, and syringe early in season with paraffin emulsion.

Bean Beetles (Bruchus granarius and B. rufi-manus, fig. 95).

Oct. to April, in the seeds.

May to Oct.

Examine affected seeds and burn.

Beet Carrion Beetle (Sil-pha opaca).

Sept. to May.

May to Sept.

Woodlice - like larvae attack young plants. Keep under with nicotine or quassia sprays and frequent hoeing.

Beet Fly (Anthomyia Betas).

Sept. to May.

May to Sept.

The maggots feed upon the leaves of Beet. Remedies as for the Beet Carrion Beetle.

Black Aphis, Black Dolphin, Collier Blight, etc. (Aphis Rumicis).

Autumn to Spring.

May to Sept.

Attacks the shoots of Broad and Long Pod, Dwarf or French, and Runner Beans. Syringe with quassia and nicotine solutions in advance, and keep ground hoed. Infested shoots should be taken off and burned.

Black or Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus, fig. 152).

Mar. to July.

Aug. to Spring.

Attacks the roots, shoots, leaves, and flowers of various plants - frequently the Strawberry and Vine. Trap by shaking from Vines on to cloths and burning. Cultivate well in the open.

American Blight (Schizoneura lanigera).

Fig. 92. - American Blight (Schizoneura lanigera).

Apple Mussel Scale (Nytilaspis pomorum).

Fig. 93. - Apple Mussel Scale (Nytilaspis pomorum).

Asparagus Beetle (Crioceris Asparagi) Larva and eggs magnified.

Fig. 94. - Asparagus Beetle (Crioceris Asparagi) Larva and eggs magnified.

Bean Beetles.

Fig. 95. - Bean Beetles.

1, Druchus granarius (nat. size); 2. magnified. 3 Section of infested Bean. 4, Maggot (nat size); 6, enlarged. 6, Pupa (nat. size); 7, enlarged. 8, Infested Bean germinating. 9, Bruchus rufimanus (nat. size); 10, enlarged. 11, Infested Pea. 4, 5, 6, 7, are common to both species.

Bulb Mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus).

Fig. 96. - Bulb Mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus). Dorsal and Ventral surfaces. The detached sucker-plate magnified 300 diameters. (After Michael).

Apple blossom Weevil (Anthonomus pomorum).

Fig. 97. - Apple-blossom Weevil (Anthonomus pomorum).

Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris Rapoe).

Fig. 98. - Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris Rapoe).

1, Small White Cabbage Butterfly. 2, Caterpillar. 8, Pupa.

Cabbage Fly (Anthotnyia Brassicoe).

Fig. 99. - Cabbage Fly (Anthotnyia Brassicoe).

1, Larva of A. Brassicoe. 2 and 3, Pupae (nat. size and magnified). 4, A. radicum (magnified). 5, Nat. size. 6-9, A. tuberosa, larva and fly (nat. size and magnified).

Cabbage Gall Weevil (Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis).

Fig. 100. - Cabbage Gall Weevil (Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis).

1, Earth case of the larva. 2, Case in its chamber (magnified). 3, Stem with galls.

Carrot Fly (Psila Rosoe).

Fig. 101. - Carrot Fly (Psila Rosoe).

I, Larva; 2, magnified. 3 and 4, Larvae appearing from the galleries excavated in the Carrot. 5, Form of pupa; 6, magnified. 7 and 8, The Fly (nat. size and magnified).

Cabbage Moth (Mamestra Brassicoe) 1, Moth 2 Caterpillar. 3, Chrysalis.

Fig. 102. - Cabbage Moth (Mamestra Brassicoe) 1, Moth 2 Caterpillar. 3, Chrysalis.

Apple and Currant Clear wing Moth (Trochilium tipuliforme), and Larva.

Fig. 103. - Apple and Currant Clear-wing Moth (Trochilium tipuliforme), and Larva.