
Atropurpureus, Baumanni, candicans, geometrizans, grandiflorus, flagelliformis, marginatus, nycticalus, peruvianus and vars., paraguayensis, speciosissimus, Schickendantsi, Seidelli, Spachianus. Seeds of most of these varieties can be obtained from Continental growers.


Grahlianus,* mammillosus,* Ottonis and vars.* To obtain offsets of these and other varieties scoop out the centres. Echino-cacti require a higher temperature than most Cacti, and also plenty of air.


Duvalli,* Eyresii,* minuscula,* multiplex * triumphans,* tubiflora,* turbinata,* Zuccariniana.


Arietina, bocosana,* cirrhifera and vars.,* crassispina, elegans,* elongata and vars.,* gracilis,* Krameri,* nigra*, Petersoni,* pusilla and vars.,* sanguinea,* Wildiana.


Arborescens, aurantiaca, Bigelowi, brasiliensis, cylindrica, dejecta, imbricata, leucotricha, maxima, microdasys and vars.; monacantha, polyantha, Rafinesquiana, senilis, sulphurea, Tuna. All Opuntias require plenty of light and air to develop showy spines.


Any of the named varieties will do, but they do not sell so well as members of the genera mentioned above. A rather high temperature and plenty of water should be given during the growing season, with all the light and air possible, and a dry cool house in the winter. P. crenatus (fig. 269) is a fine creamy - white and orange -flowered species from Honduras.

Phyllocactus crenatus.

Fig. 269. - Phyllocactus crenatus.

The following Succulents and other plants work in well with the Cacti: -


Distans, albospina, arborescens, latifolia.


Adunca, Bo-lusi, Hookeri, lacteapunctata, lycopodioides, Pachyphytum. Propagate by breaking off the fleshy leaves, and lay on a nearly dry sandy soil till rooting commences, when water sparingly. For lycopodioides take cuttings in the usual way.


Antiquorum, cereiformis, canariensis, glo-bosa, mammillaris,* and re-sinifera.


Laete-punctata,* nigricans,* parvifolia,* spiralis,* and verrucosa.




Deltoides, echinatum, stellatum, tigrinum.



Sempervivum (Hardy)

Arachnoideum, californicum and c. minor, chrysanthum, ciliosum, Lehlianum, montanum, murale, Schmidtii, violaceum.


Atrata,* anguinea, gigantea, grandiflora, angustifolia, patula. Stock plants should be kept in a cold frame during the summer.

Cacti or other Succulents for market are usually potted into special ribbed pots, and put up for the market in mixed boxes of various sizes, one plant of each variety being labelled. They are also sold freely, in miniature greenhouses, of various sizes, from 6-30 in. long.

To these may be added Dyckia princeps (or altissima), a pretty little Bromeliad having rosettes of sharp-pointed sword-shaped leaves, striped with white and green beneath, and armed with strong brown spines on the edges. [p. a. c]