To the commercial gardener of to-day, whether he devotes his energies to land or glass, the Daffodil has become an indispensable part of his stock-in-trade, a crop he cannot well afford to be without. It is in the very nature of things and by reason of its many sections and endless varieties a successional flowering plant, capable of affording a supply of flowers for weeks on end provided the right selection be grown; and the grower who rightly appreciates this side of the subject is the one who can show the heaviest margin of profit. Indeed a chief difficulty which besets a beginner is that of selecting suitable varieties, and large sums of money have been dropped in the past, and, doubtless, in the future will go the same way, because growers have endeavoured to suit their own fancy rather than consult the public taste. To-day the market florist who desires to make both ends meet, and to put a little aside for a rainy day into the bargain, should never ignore the fact that the leading flower markets throughout the British Isles are great educational centres, a reflex, as it were, of public opinion - and often good taste - well and unmistakably expressed through the medium of the florist decorator, and his daily requirements or purchases. It is for the market florist to cater for such requirements; in other words, to grow the thing that sells. A flower market like Covent Garden, for example, is a great leveller of things, putting on no side, though capable of great things inside. The fact that a certain variety of Daffodil costs so many guineas per bulb is of but little account if the commission agent finds the public will have none of it; hence, in such matters, it is no use kicking against the pricks.