In considering cherries that are grown commercially, no attempt has been made to mention all the varieties; a few of the better known have been mentioned and their characteristics described.

For the purposes of classification cherries can be divided into four groups - White Hearts, Black Hearts, Dukes or Guignes, and Acid or Cooking cherries.

The cherries in each class have been arranged in the order of ripening.

Class I. White Hearts. Governor Wood

Early. A good cropping variety. A soft cherry, and liable to Brown Rot. (See p. 86.)

Frogmore Bigarreau

Early. A great cropping variety. It is very soft, and cracks badly in wet weather. Makes a low price, but is useful in years when the general crop is small.

Elton Bigarreau

Second early. Fine large fruit. Crops badly, and fails on moist soils.

Amber Bigarreau

Medium. Large, firm, and good-quality cherry. Crops well. Commands a good price. One of the best White Hearts for orchards.

Bigarreau Napoleon

Late. Very large and firm cherry. Crops fairly well. Fruit sells well. It is a good orchard cherry, but the trees often die back.

Class II. Black Hearts. Rivers's Early

Very early. Large, handsome black cherry. Crops well. Is the first good-quality English cherry to market, and sells well. A good orchard cherry.

Knight's Early Black

Very early. Good flavour and crops well. Soft flesh.

Old Black Heart

Early. An old variety, which crops well. Liable to crack and rot in wet seasons.

Cherry, Half Standard (Morello) in bloom.

Fig. 368. - Cherry, Half Standard (Morello) in bloom.

Black Eagle

Medium. Large cherry with good flavour and firm flesh. A good-quality cherry, which sells well. Very useful orchard cherry.


Late medium. Similar to Black Eagle, but not so large.


Late. Very fine large fruit. Crops well, and is a firm cherry. A good orchard cherry.

Class III. Dukes Or Guignes

The cherries of this class are not grown commercially to any great extent in England. The best-known variety is May Duke.

Class IV. Acid Or Cooking Cherries. Kentish Red

Medium. A good cooking cherry. Crops well. Remarkable in that the stones can be pulled out with the strig.


Late. Similar in other respects to Kentish but larger.


Late. Crops well. Used for preserving and bottling. Small fruit.