This section is from the book "Commercial Gardening Vol3", by John Weathers (the Editor). Also available from Amazon: Commercial Gardening, A Practical & Scientific Treatise For Market Gardeners.
Other pests attacking the Strawberry are the Surface Larvae, the caterpillars of the Heart-and-Dart Moth (Agrotis exclamationis), and those of the Yellow Underwing (Triphcena pronuba). These may also be killed with vaporite in winter.
Four weevils attack the Strawberry, the Strawberry Otiorhynchus (Otiorhynchus sulcatus), the Black Anthonomus (Anthcmomus rubi), the Small Fruit Weevil (Exomias araneiformis), and the Minute Rhynchites (Rhynchites minutus). But none of these are of general importance.
An Aphis (Siphonophora fragariella) now and then attacks Strawberries, and may be treated by spraying with soft soap and quassia; and a small moth, the Strawberry-leaf Button Moth (Peronea comariana), sometimes does harm by attacking the leafage in its caterpillar stage. Slugs (Limacidae) and a snail (Helix rufescens) also do some damage, [f. v. T.].
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